Graphic Cards Generic PSU safe or not


Hi guys, I have a generic PSU ( some PowerOn, 450W). I'm getting a HD4670 which has a recommended 400W PSU. I'm planning to play games on this, so it'll put some load on the system. The PSU does have a QC Passed sticker, but I'm not sure. Should I let the PSU be? Or is it suggested I get a new PSU.
What would be a good one though not expensive? Or should i get the 650W generic ?
Please help me out guys. Thanks a lot.
Well Generic PSUs can be a bit of trouble at times, especially when u have plans of putting a little load ont the system. I would suggest you to try to run using the same PSU, if it does not satisfy you, I guess its best to get Cooler Master (it might get a bit costly, try to find a used one here)
As a simple thumb-rule : if you're getting a dedicated graphics card, get a good quality PSU.

Whats the rest of your system like? Whats your budget for a PSU? The bare minimum you could start with is the Zebronics Pro 350 or the FSP Saga II 350 at ~1.5k, or the Gigabyte Superb 460 at 2.4k.

@prateek.panda: Avoid vague brand recommendations. CoolerMaster makes everything from the so-so Extreme Power series to the excellent UCP series. Do not 'try to run' on a generic PSU, else you will have to 'try to run' to the nearest service centre an hour later.
A PSU upgrade is recommended, but BIG NO for CoolerMaster Extreme power series.

Get Zebby Pro 350 or FSP 350W as recommended by Crazy_Eddy. Both can handle cards like 9800GT easily. Would be around 1.5~1.6k
Hi guys thanks for the reply. My system has a e2200 2.2Ghz cpu, 1 hdd. Nothing extra, other than the planned HD4670 gfx card.

I am on a limited budget here, since I already bought the card. The recommended is 400W PSU, will a Zebby pro 350 be safe/fine?

Go for a branded one such as the Cooler-Master series which are any-day better than the one you have, also a 500W should give you enough head room should you plan to upgrade in the immediate future.
I had a c2d Rig Overclocked to 3.5Ghz i thought the Psu would do it was a generic one. When it blew i had to Rma 2hdd's and the mobo when the psu blew so i would say don't risk it. The Psu was generic good quality one from Circle. I would say buy something more sturdy just to be on the safe side.
greenhorn said:
should be safe. running a 4770 with an iball generic PSU, (and for gaming all day , i might add, at a cafe) and no issues yet :)

Download OCCT and run a power supply stress test for 3 hours and see if your PSU blows up. Dude even I've seen many of my friends use generic PSUs with graphic cards and eventually the PSUs blow up. I'm sure it will happen one day, it could be in a few hours, weeks, months or even a year or two, which is very rare. It;s always wise to use a good PSU even with a lowest end system. These days generic PSUs are not up to the mark as they used to be. So the minimum recommended PSU for any rig is a Gigabyte Superb 460W.
but for now, it runs. Its at a cafe, and buying a $$$ PSU will eat into their margins. and they are razor thin. He plans to sell it off before its out of warranty, and otherwise, can get it RMA'd if anything goes wrong.

Makes sense to me :)

I've been very happy with generic PSU's. the no name chinese one which came with my first PC is still happily chugging along :)
greenhorn said:
but for now, it runs. Its at a cafe, and buying a $$$ PSU will eat into their margins. and they are razor thin. He plans to sell it off before its out of warranty, and otherwise, can get it RMA'd if anything goes wrong.

Makes sense to me :)


1. If it conks off, the cafe is without that PC during the RMA process.

2. If the PSU dies violently - most have no OCP/OVP - you can kiss your hardware goodbye. Burnt hardware = warranty rejected.

3. You're not doing justice to future owners by abusing the graphics card. The VRMs will grow weary with the punishment from all that poor quality power you supply it.

greenhorn said:
I've been very [strike]happy[/strike] lucky with generic PSU's. the no name chinese one which came with my first PC is still [strike]happily[/strike] luckily chugging along :)
Corrected your post :p

And you forgot a certain Chinese L&C OEM Zeb Platinum. Bet you those Chinese ones happily chugging along are L&C designs as well :p
Don't worry.

Crazy_Eddy is truly a very knowledgable person and a guru on psus imho and he only uses generic psus :)

... in his most horrific nightmares. :lol:
1. Due to good relations with their vendor, standby hardware is just a call away

2. Actually no. I dont wish to encourage unethical practices, but they can get away with it. Maybe not you & I , but they have

3.Yes it sucks for the future owner of the card, but the card is sold as-is, and the customer probably being a frequent cafe customer, will know about it anyway :)
Generic PSU’s are OK for very light office work, but as suggested above, the general rule of thumb is if you are getting a discrete card, get a decent PSU. The minimum that you need to look at is cooler master extreme power 390W (which is the minimum of the minimums) but I’d suggest getting a Corsair VX450.