Game Suggestion Please..


I've Played Games like :

Assassins Creed Series

Prince of Persia Series

Spiderman Series

God of War Series

GTA Series

Batman Series

Devil May Cry



I like playing these third-person-action-adventure-free-world games.....all games belonging to these series iv finished and now i am bored...any suggestions for games like these Please? (PC games)

Thanks :)
Play the Splinter Cell series Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (video game) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Home | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction | Ubisoft if you think stealth is your forte also give a try to Darksiders Darksiders "Your Last Days" an older game Titan Quest Titan Quest: Immortal Throne

Hope this is enough as a first wave will keep posting regularly, are you intrested in 3-rd person RPG's as well because there are some really good TPS RPG's like -- The Elder Scroll Series (the latest iteration Skyrim comes November 11 this year), Witcher (Witcher II is planned to release next month), Gothic series, and lots of German RPG's.
^i played darksiders(didnt liked)..well splinter cell might be just what i want to play.

I am currently playing Dragon Age origins then will play Awakening then Dragon age 2...These are Really long games untill i finish this Dragon Age dont want to play any other RPG.

ya thats why i'm looking for a good 3rd person. you know Side-by-side. although i think even this single DA:Origins is bugging me out.
a borrowed splinter cell collection from my friend. Will start playing it today.

^Resident evil is not something i was lookin for neways thanks @all
Altair said:
^i played darksiders(didnt liked)..
Play Darksiders man. By your list, no way that you won't like it. You definitely haven't played it off the slow start. After playing for half an hour, not before 1 month did I play it again. And then I played it almost non-stop for 30 hours. Now I can't wait for Darksiders 2. Yous and mine taste are similar :p . Another inclusion is Prototype.
I ended prototype a year ago.

maybe ur right i played darksiders for just an hour or sumthing i reached where some ghost is sticked to me and then reached the place where we have to find a horn to open a BIG gate...i think i should play Darksiders.

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howz is that Tron:Evolution game?? It is a 3rd person and those Light bikes and all?
[/COLOR]howz is that Tron:Evolution game?? It is a 3rd person and those Light bikes and all?[/QUOTE]
Movie based games suck most of the time and reviews for tron don't look too great.I wouldn't buy the game.Try it out before buying.
You just HAVE to play The Saboteur. Its one of the best games of the past 2 - 3 years, yet completely looked over and forgotten by most.
Guys i played Splinter cell 1 and completed it. Awesome game. I have another part i.e Conviction. What i am asking is that to play conviction do i need to play the others too? I could not find Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos Theory in any store nearby. :(

If to play Conviction all other parts are important too, do let me know. I will download them then.
