For Sale 2 Month old Sapphire HD 4870 1GB

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As the title Suggests for Sale today is Sapphire 4870 1GB, Just two months old but used just for some hours, as i rarely get time to Game now a days.
so want to utlilise this money some where else.

The card is as good as new, Complete with almost full warranty of three years, Bill,Boxpacking & all bells'n'whistle stuff.

Intrested people may PM Me,

Also no thread crapping or lowballing please, Use PM route for all Qurries.


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This is lowballing diplomatically !

No offence meant ! But the Guy who offered this quote must be a spoilt richy with deep pockets or may be he offered the carzy price due to the non local warranty issue with card. I must confess even i was the first few who where fishing for this deal due to its crazy pricing.

You do not come across such crazy deals every day.
Just to clear the fact...
The card has local warranty as he has stated in his sale post itself:)...
tosh79 said:
No offence meant ! But the Guy who offered this quote must be a spoilt richy with deep pockets or may be he offered the carzy price due to the non local warranty issue with card.
tosh79 said:

This is lowballing diplomatically !

No offence meant ! But the Guy who offered this quote must be a spoilt richy with deep pockets or may be he offered the carzy price due to the non local warranty issue with card.

sapphire comes with international warranty.
Ya, the pricing on that deal was crazy... we 4870 owners felt like an insult, making look the card too cheap [no offense meant].

btw Sapphire has the best cooler among 4870. runs really cool. mine even on furmark doesnt touch[max 62c] the idle temp of reference design [70c].
dOm1naTOr said:
Ya, the pricing on that deal was crazy... we 4870 owners felt like an insult, making look the card too cheap [no offense meant].

btw Sapphire has the best cooler among 4870. runs really cool. mine even on furmark doesnt touch[max 62c] the idle temp of reference design [70c].

Thank God ! There are some Sane Guys like you on the forum who think about what they are posting and understand what this deal is about.

Do not know what people gain by crapping others deal,. Not even respecting the request not to do so.

tosh79 - Use the 'Report' option pal

I find it amusing to see peeps quote such sale threads, Just becuase one guy sells at crazy pricing, are you going to expect everyone to comply with it or take it as benchmark
As long its reasonably priced according to market price, then its fine

Folks who quoting such deals, will you be selling @ that price, if you have the same card at hand, think

Mods - please clean the thread :)
psyph3r said:
Hey guys i dont want to buy this card and i wasnt lowballing (my post doesnt even say anythin regarding) , doesnt hurt posting the current value for such used cards 2mnths or 6 mnths old.
There were XFX 260 deals cheaper than this and that is a better card imo.
PS : 4870 owners stop overvaluing ur card, its 2010 :p.
I have already sold my system at low price so i knw how it works.

Again you are sounding stupid

How do you gauge a current value of the card. Just by seeing one unbelievable deal on TE market
See the current market price for the same card and then talk

Just becuase you were dumb enough to sell your pc at low price doesnt mean others have to do so

There are various reasons for a damn low pricing
age of the product
very quick sale needed
US warranty - no local warranty
some issues with it, buyer has to do the RMA
some accesories missing
etc etc
The OP's clearly mentioned not to crap his thread. If you have a problem, does it hurt in sending him a PM instead? Maybe he's not aware of the current market prices but this's certainly not the best way to start off! I hope some mod does the cleaning. I so wish Bladey was here. :-(
Posting information is lowballing here ?
I dont know where you people disappear when ppl crap my sale threads :p
Just gonna ignore this and let the guy carry on with his sale.

PS : Spectre i dont know whats yer beef with me man but i sold my pc at 25% depreciation so you have no right to call me dumb here , stop being gay and go get laid (for the first time) ffs

Gannu said:
The OP's clearly mentioned not to crap his thread. If you have a problem, does it hurt in sending him a PM instead? Maybe he's not aware of the current market prices but this's certainly not the best way to start off! I hope some mod does the cleaning. I so wish Bladey was here. :-(
Unless people have some new information on the retail pricing do not crap here. And dont get started on Sapphire has international warranty, unless anyone actually managed to utilize that, last I knew apart from a few distris, even Indian warranty was useless, leave alone international warranty.
Got an Update from Funky, posting here for the benefit of everyone:

Actually, Sapphire and Gigabyte both are honouring warranty locally regardless from where item is purchased. All you have to do is get RMA approved by email, take the printout of it and Adity Infotech and Accel both will do flat 1 week replacement.

I recently got my old Gigabyte 8800GT RMAed this way.
Aces170 said:
Got an Update from Funky, posting here for the benefit of everyone:

What is this yaar, I am sick of this insane posting ! you guys are simply crapping my sale thread, Why are you unnesscearly discussing the International warranty issue on card here in this thread and creating confusion in the minds of potential buyers.

If at all you are so intrested in helping the public in general, why dont you open a thread for discussing the warranty issue, why the hell crap my sale thread:mad:.

Mods please pay attention and clear the thread once more.
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