Less than 10K First smartphone for Mom - Lumia 520 or Samsung Galaxy S Duos S7562


Gifting a smartphone to my Mom.Mom is using a basic old motorola phone L7.
She will be using it mostly for calls,SMS,music and taking pictures.

1. Budget?

A: 10k
2. Preferred Form Factor(flip, bar, slider)?
A: Bar
3. Preferred display type?
4. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them.
A: Na
5. Preferred input method (Touchscreen, QWERTY, etc.)?
A: Touchscreen
6. Camera required or not? If required, please specify type like front camera/flash/etc.
A: Required a 5MP camera.
7. Preferred operating system? (Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone etc).
A: Na
8. Preferred connectivity options? (3G, Wifi, Edge etc).
A: Wifi
9. What is your intended use for this phone(internet, camera, multimedia, mails, etc)?
A: Camera, mails and internet.
10. Any other requirements?
11. If you have already considered a phone then please mention the model.
Lumia 520 or Samsung Galaxy S Duos S7562 or XOLO Q800
don't even think of chinese brands bro. As you are saying that you want mobile for mom. One which you buy should last long. Ladies don't change their mobiles like we do. As far as I know lumia is best compared to s duos. Most of the poeple here say the same
OP mentioned pictures are important - Lumia 520 doesn't have a flash.

Xolo Q800 is better. If they are OK for Intel & nVidia to launch their chip-set & tab, they should be Ok for us ;)
If camera is very important, then Lumia 520 is a no-go. As mentioned above, it does not have a flash. Although pics in good light are decent, low light snaps are poor. Otherwise, the L520 is an excellent option. Easy to use and virtually lag free, which might not always be the case with the Androids in this budget.
Tilting towards L520 but still not convinced about it after reading some reviews on the net.How is listening to music on L520 considering it does not have any equaliser?
Also does it have the basic apps present in android? Also with regards to ease of use,is windows 8 easy to use vis-a-vis android?
Thanks a lot for answering to my queries.Phone buying has become very confusing with all these options and reviews around.
@abhi83 I can't comment much on music.. It is a personal preference. Having said that, the quality of music playback is not awful or poor in any way.. Quite decent.
What "basic apps" are you referring to? If you can make a list of apps in Android that you might use, we will be able to tell you if an equivalent is available in WP8. WP8 has definitely a lesser learning curve than Android. It is usable OOTB. Doesn't require much tweaking. And, like I mentioned already, when you compare an equivalent Android with the L520, there is definitely going to be a lag in the Android. No such issues with the L520.
Galaxy s duos is stuck on ics . Maybe galaxy fame is better . Lumia 520 has no flash . I went to fix my micromax a110 at a service centre which is also xolo lava videocon centre too . The amount of complaints of lava xolo and micromax were so much that the manager was shouting at the dealers not to sell phones as the complaints were so high . My micromax in less than a year has failed twice . Chinese rebrands have a mouth watering price but very bad quality control . Stay away . Buy Samsung nokia . I have galaxy y , monte , galaxy grand duos , galaxy note , galaxy s3 and galaxy tab 2 . All used by my current family. No problem at all . I have nokia c7 and e63 no problem . Except micromax a110 all problems . :)
@ OP
Unless dual-sim and secondary camera is a priority which in your case is not you should not consider S Duos or other chinese rebrands. Get her a Lumia 520 for 8.5k-9k and spend rest of the money on a good earphone(coz stock earphone is junk).
Agree with others about avoiding Indian/China rebrands. I'm in a similar situation (& have been for many months!) where I want to buy a phone for my mom. But what she fancies is a 5 incher. As a result, my options are limited to Mmx, Xolo etc. But wherever I research for an "Indian" model, I see a lot of complaints of hardware failure & horrible (not just poor, horrible) after sales.
One indication of this is FK reviews. If you look at the ratings, you'll find all of the phones including Samsung, LG etc. have 1 or 2 star ratings. The difference is with the Indian brands, it's h/w failure whereas with the top tier brands, it is just dissatisfaction with s/w or specs.
In fact, in all my searching I've come across quite a few folks who would rather opt for a proper Chinese brand like ZTE, Huawei, Gionee, TCL/Alcatel than a re-brand.
I may not have helped much, but just thought you should know what i've discovered over months of internet research (no personal experience, mind you).

As for your question, i think it would be best to actually show your mom all of the models under consideration & let her decide. Because you're not really going to go wrong with any of the purchases for the said purpose, imo. So just take her along, see which models she likes & come back & ask for advice on TE, imo.
(My vote would go for the Nokia 520, because my mom-in-law has it & she feels it's better than her previous LG P500. Of course, that's no real justification for my vote. It's just an indication that with some people, it's more about how a particular phone feels, rather than what is necessarily better)

HTH. & sorry if I bored you, :p
Thanks a lot for the advices.
Most probably will go with L520.
Agree with kidrwo,it would be better if I show her the phone models.But below 10,000 INR , although lacking in some department the L520 looks the best bet.
Also saw today flipkart has a seller offering it at 7950 INR.
Would it better if I order it online or buy it from a store?(Nokia showroom was offering at a higher price).Also had a bad experience while buying it online(Had ordered HTC Desire S whereas they sent me HTC Wildfire S)
Thanks a lot for the advices.
Most probably will go with L520.
Agree with kidrwo,it would be better if I show her the phone models.But below 10,000 INR , although lacking in some department the L520 looks the best bet.
Also saw today flipkart has a seller offering it at 7950 INR.
Would it better if I order it online or buy it from a store?(Nokia showroom was offering at a higher price).Also had a bad experience while buying it online(Had ordered HTC Desire S whereas they sent me HTC Wildfire S)

I think you should get the Lumia at around the same price in stores. You might have to visit more than one shop & haggle a bit though. Iirc my Mum-in-Law's phone was bought at something around 8.2-3k. (about 2-3 months back - cheaper than online at the time, I believe)
Always better to buy from brick-n-mortar unless some compelling reason like pricing or availability, imo.