Feedback on RadarHunter


May 21, 2006
Hey guys,

i've started this thread to just give all u guys a heads-up as to what has been happening with TE member RadarHunter

I want it to be as transparent as possible. I had sent him corsair 512x2 and 3500+ newcastle by courier on 1st June 2006. He sms me about a day or 2 later saying that he had recieved the package in good condition with good packaging etc.. All the items were checked by Stormblast before sending it to radarhunter. My pc was 100% operational with the ram i have sent radarhunter. i had mentioned in PM's and sms's that the ram was purchased from hong kong and carries NO indian warranty. He has threatened me via sms sayin that he will send the ram to the company i.e. "corsair" and prove that the ram is dead as per my fault and will make me pay for it. He sms me on 18th June 2006 saying that he just tried out the ram on 17th june and it did not work, which in my opinion is a lie. I had asked him on msn (around 10th june) as to how the system was he had mentioned it was "fine" and he also put up his system specs in the TE rig gallery which included my processor and ram. I have a feeling he has o/c the ram and has damaged it himself. Prior to sending the items to him he sounded very fishy, we had agreed that he would send the full amount and then once i recieve the cash i would courier the items to him, but he suddenly says after a few days that he would send half the money now and the other half as per recieving the goods, he said that we had agreed as per that which i did not. You can confirm with Stormblast that the goods i have sent radarhunter were in working and in excellent condition. If he says that i have sent him faulty ram then it is his responsibility to check it within the first week of recieving it, it has been nearly 3 weeks. I would like to mention once again that the ram was in PERFECT & WORKING condition at the time of sending it to radarhunter. i am not here to cheat people. he now expects me to "kindly" send him a new 512x2 corsair pair of ram..




Mar 27, 2005
ya all this is true.

also when i told him yesterday to run memtest on the ram he has never replied back to it n said anything.

it is not right on his part just to mail all mods n tell them that pixel has cheated him.

& i find it really suspicious now that he is selling his brand new asus a8ne board without any reason for sale.

it could be that he has ocd n spoilt it or something.


amol will post himself with further details.


Apr 14, 2005
Boston MA
Problem with my deal -

I sold him my philips HP 805 headphones. He sends me payment via cheque. I accepted his cheque (i normally never accept an oustation cheque and wait for it to get cleared) and sent him the headphones without waiting for the cheque to get cleared. I went to the bank and found that after around 10 days, the cheque had bounced. He just sent me a message on MSN yesterday that he will send me a DD, as there was some problems with the bank itself, but i dont believe this, since a cheque never bounces, if you have enough money in your account. So i believe this is clearly a lie. And i havent heard any details on the DD either after that. So it seems that i have been cheated.

I will edit my post only when i recieve my money. But i wont deal with this guy again, and wouldnt recommend to do the same.


May 21, 2006
this is a PM i received from Bottle, Mod :

"hey m8,

all the mods got a pm from radarhunter about some ram you sold him. he says that it isnt working and that you refuse to return the money or help him RMA the stuff..

well TE isnt responsible for anything thats sold or bought on the market but just felt obligated to get your take on the matter as well since radarhunter keeps asking us to do something"


May 21, 2006
@vij : there was no testing warranty provided, but even if something happened in the first week it is understandable! not after 3 weeks. he had admitted that the pc was working "fine". he is just trying to make a quick buck, hes asked me to send replacement corsair 512x2..

@Amol : i really hope he pays u asap!




May 21, 2006
@Nikhil : yes, thank God.

@Amol : i have his address + cell number, u will need it while filing a case, pm when u require it.




Mar 27, 2005
frankly asking every1- if u buy 2nd hand ram from any1 on te, even if the person is most reputed on te, wouldnt check the ram in the 1st 2-3 days when u receive the package, cause the ram is 2nd hand & has no warranty in india as pixel had clearly mentioned to radar.

also pixel had not made the payment to me of the gfx card that he bought from me (evga 7800gt), he was waiting for confirmation of the stuff he sold to radar was perfect & working properly. when radar told him that its fine he made the payment to me.

when i talked to radar yesterday he told me that he just checked the ram 2 days back etc etc when he had already told pixel that it is fine. then he tells me that the ram was at his friends place whose name is garav & who according to him is a very reputed member on te not cause he posts a lot but he is reputed & respected by every1 cause he has dloaded over 1tb of data (if that was the case i think i would 1 of the or if not the most respected guy on te, u can confirm that with chaos. lol).

both ways u see it, it is your fault completely that u dint check the stuff in the 1st week knowing it doesnt have warranty n u also told pixel that the stuff is fine. you then pm all mods saying that pixel cheats u. there was no warranty on the ram as pixel had mentioned before but atleast out of decency if anything had gone wrong in the 1st 5- 7 days he would have given refund if the ram was bad.


Apr 14, 2005
Boston MA
I am not filing a case, since garav is a really good friend of mine and absolutely trustworthy, and i accepted radar's cheque, since garav also knows radarhunter. I am waiting for more clarification from radar's side, but he hasnt emailed me back yet.


Feb 9, 2005
@ Pixel,Radarhunter
please provide all the records and proofs you have regarding this deal only then we can comment.
The staff of TE are not responsible for deals made here. This must be clearly understood by all. The staff can and may (at their discretion) help in solving the problems ...but it is not mandatory or obligatory on their part.
if it was indeed with no local warranty then it is implied that the buyer has to test it within 2 ~3 days max and inform / confirm to the seller the status of the goods with a week. not doing so implies that the buyer has tested the product and it is in working order....
(unless the buyer informs the seller, before despatch, that due to some reason he would not be able to test the product within a week and both parties agree to it.)


Feb 9, 2005
@ amol,
Cheque bouncing is a very serious criminal offence. the issuer can be jailed and fined heavily.
routinely in my office we face such issues. we normally are able to collect 2 ~3 times the amount of a bounced cheque......the lawyers make sure of it.
whether to file a case over such paltry amount is to your discretion ...we just hope Radar sends you the amount asap and ends the matter amicably.


May 21, 2006
Some of the PM's :

Originally Posted by radarhunter
Hi ther
i have been told by few of the mods that the price of this RAM should be not more than 3.5k so if you can please do it.

hmm.. ill do it in 3.7k including shipping..let me know asap

make that 3.5k on the excludin shipping i.e. rs100 please do this one favour to me.

Look i didnot care for the warranty and time u used it
i wanted it and please just lessen the money for me 3.6 whole please do this for me.


I think you don`t have a warranty for the mobo and processor too.

Look i`ll buy these 3 things for

Whenever u think you can sell them to me pm me and i`ll transfer the money there and then.

pm me ASAP


14.2k common man nothing is with warranty or papers.
The rest is via SMS and msn/yahoo chat where i made it very clear about the warranty.


Mar 27, 2005
@deejay - we are not trying to put te staff or members in between to solve the situation. this thread was created as an awareness thread for ppl who want to deal with radar. i had told pixel to make the thread when i talked to amol & came to know what happ to him. since radar is selling a8ne brand new without any reason, i wanted to create awareness about him before any1 buys from him.

also i dont think he has got any stuff from usa, cause if he had he wouldnt have bought all this stuff locally would he. he would have got ram processor or something small from usa. good point made by mohit bout this usa thing.


Feb 9, 2005
Nikhil said:
@DJ --- I think we all have understood that the mods cant do much. But the thing is, people need to be aware of these things.
Then why did RadarHunter send pm's to all mods seeking their intervention in the matter ?? apparently not all members are aware of the rules posted in the market section or they conviniently "forget / remember" it as per their selfish purpose.

Stormblast, that message (my first post in this thread) was for RadarHunter and for members in general.

From the pm's posted by pixel (still waiting for radarhunters feedback...) it is clearly evident that he was aware that there was no warranty on the product except perhaps testing warranty the time limit for which is max 1 week....(although this is not mentioned in the rules but i guess most members here will agree that 1 week is enough time for a buyer, to test and confirm its status, to the seller of any hardware ...)
but to be fair we should wait for radarhunter's feedback too....hope he replies early and we just wish this matter is settled amicably asap and this thread closed for good.


Mar 17, 2005
Class M Planet
Actiually he himself admited that ram works.

See his reply in trade feedback thread.

Notes (optional): I had bought this from him 2 weeks back and was waiting for my cabinet

And it had reached me 2 days back Saiyan knows about it as the Cabinet had to come From Channai

From Delta

And i assembled my pc days back itself and today the Ram is not working i had a word with Pixel and he is not at all ready to replace it or return me my money

And now i am down in dumps

Had a word with Saiyan he asked me to contact you Mods first


One works for 10 min and when you start a big application it stops working and the computer gets hanged.

The Ram was installed2 days back so there cannot be anything wrong from my side.

Even my computer expert friends says that the rams delivered to me were wrong.

Both of the 512 sticks not working and Pixel has refused to return the money.

he says that i might have used them in wrong manner and when u know that my cabinet had just arrived a day before yesterday so how could i do any thing wrong to it in such a small time.

man he`s cheated me and sold me a BAd working Ram which stopped working within 2 days of working.

Pixel you dont have to do jack. He himself said ram worked. And if it stops working then its not your responsibility. He knew there is no warranty locally. How can he even asks refund.

How would pixel cheat him? how in this world he will know ram will fail in 2 days? :S

pixel M8, post feedback about all your trades here

I know you have made this thread but that thread will remain as sticky. please post there too. And amol you too do the same so when someone checks that thread in future they will know.


May 4, 2005
pixel mentioned it first there was no warranty.........hence its all buyer pixel cant be blame..........
also mods cant we have reps for market trustworthy stuff or a link....abt a persons rep in selling and buying stuffs......lik a link next to name.....where ppl post abt there deal with this person and rate him on some scale


Mar 29, 2005
also mods cant we have reps for market trustworthy stuff or a link....abt a persons rep in selling and buying stuffs......lik a link next to name.....where ppl post abt there deal with this person and rate him on some scale

Reply With Quote
That is coming!!! :p Every other day someone asks for this :p

The mods are working on chill :p


Apr 14, 2005
Boston MA
Okay....i called my friend Garav and Arvind (radar) is out to delhi, and will be back by today night. I hope he comes here and makes things clearer. Else he's in trouble.


May 21, 2006
thnx guys for the backing.. stormy, funky, dj, shado n all u other guys.. he told me that the ram never worked on the first go which was a few days ago, but he admitted to funky that it worked for 2 days.. i just have a bad feeling that he has tried to o/c, the ram went kaput and now he wants to sell his board cause its not good for o/c. That is just my opinion.

really looking forward to Radarhunter's reply.

p.s. Radarhunter plz dont pm/sms me with any of your threats etc. Whatever you have to say to me please say it in this thread, thats a request, and stop pestering the mods. & read the rules before you do anything further on TE..

next if you take any ones help on o/c ur comp n u fail (again) u will blame the person and ask him to pay for ur pc components????




May 21, 2006
Posted by Radahunter @ Trader's Feedback Thread :

Seller's name: Pixel

Item for sale: 1gb Corsair Ram

Thread link: FS : Corsair DDR400 512mb x 2

Comments: No Doubt Excellent packing But the Ram don`t work.

Notes (optional): I had bought this from him 2 weeks back and was waiting for my cabinet

And it had reached me 2 days back Saiyan knows about it as the Cabinet had to come From Channai

From Delta

And i assembled my pc days back itself and today the Ram is not working i had a word with Pixel and he is not at all ready to replace it or return me my money

And now i am down in dumps

Had a word with Saiyan he asked me to contact you Mods first


One works for 10 min and when you start a big application it stops working and the computer gets hanged.

The Ram was installed2 days back so there cannot be anything wrong from my side.

Even my computer expert friends says that the rams delivered to me were wrong.

Both of the 512 sticks not working and Pixel has refused to return the money.

he says that i might have used them in wrong manner and when u know that my cabinet had just arrived a day before yesterday so how could i do any thing wrong to it in such a small time.

man he`s cheated me and sold me a BAd working Ram which stopped working within 2 days of working.

what i have highlighted says it all.

MODS please delete that post in this thread