Expected Price of E90

Hey guys,

I just wanted to know how much can i fetch for a NOKIA E90 communicator which is 2 months old .. in the most pristine condition in which one can have .. was bought for 30,000 INR .. I need to sell it quick .. please i want some immediate answers .. and if anyone interested can buzz me in with their offers .. i cant open a thread in the market section as i am not having the phone now .. will do it as soon as i get it ..!! thanks ..!
dude .. even 15k is low .. its just a 2 month old phone .. bought on my frnd's bday ..!! and its like new .. noone can even raise a finger on its immaculate condition man .. he want a BB Bold 2 .. which is why he's willing to sell it .. the market thread will be up on monday evening .. after i get the phone in my hands ..