E-Cig / Vape Reviews ?

Could not find any reviews about the e-cigs available in India.
Reluctant to trust reviews given on Amazon / Flipkart.

Anyone here using these? Brief review will be really helpful.

PS: I'm a occasional smoker but would like to get rid of smoking completely. Hoping E-cigs would help to get rid of the habit.
Have tried them, most of them sucks. Don't go for cheap ones atleast. Try in some 4-5k range. The one i tried was in 500-1.5k range.. no smoke nothing, wasted my money. This was 1 year back, and surprise! i still smoke :/

Wish I could stop smoking , I regret my decision abt starting it all the time. :(
Not sure about E-Cig / Vape, but if you wanna quit there's another thread/post for it, check it might be helpful in quitting https://www.techenclave.com/community/threads/i-have-to-quit-smoking.59047/

In the end if you want to quit it all boils down to 2 ways to quit

1. One fine day get up and stop completely,
Very difficult if you are a chain smoker, causes withdrawal symptoms, but better chances of success

2. Gradually quit smoking
Very easy, you cut down gradually, however the success chances are less though
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You described yourself as an occasional smoker which means that you are not yet addicted and it has not become a habit. So why would you even need these solutions. Just stop smoking one fine day and fight withdrawal symptoms (which should be minimal) if any with your will power.
Read Allen carr's easy way to quit smoking and his next book if needed, find it on flipkart, it does work on most of the people, including me, just simple reading no, horror or anything like that.

I quit for long time, before getting hooked again. but that is me. Their is no substitute for smoking, no e-cig, lowering the amt or chewing-gum will work for 99.9% of the people. Because at the end of the day a person is addicted to nicotin, and all the substitutes have them, so it will never stop.

So the best way - quit one day and never smoke again, withdrawal symptoms are in mind, physically it is very less.

Do you remember the days when you didn't smoke for a few days(may be during a family marriage or something), but didn't feel any withdrawal symptoms? Many people have experienced the same, and only start to feel withdrawal symptoms only when they remember that they don't have smoke, otherwise we are happily enjoying the moments.

Read the book, a Must read. Easy way(the first book with only 100 pages, and probably the only book needed) can be easily found on web. DO NOT QUIT ON THE BOOK, finish it.
1. Don't go for the cheap cigalikes, they're rubbish.
2. Don't spend too much money on your first one. This may sound like it contradicts point 1, but e-cigs don't work for everyone. If you blow a bunch of cash on it and it doesn't cut mustard, then you're out a bunch of moolah. Although, there are Indian forums where you can sell it fairly easily if you got something half decent.
3. Unfortunately with Indian prices, the only way you can acheive points 1 and 2 is to get something from abroad. Ideally, get someone coming down from the US to bring something for you. Oherwise a site like fasttech.com. The only issue you will face is getting the battery shipped to india since it will get stuck in Malaysian\Singapore customs forever. The other challenge is sourcing good eliquid.
4. When you say you're an occasional smoker..what exactly does that mean? 5 a day? 1 a day? 1 a week? If its once a week, then I'd recommend staying away from ecigs and just use nicotine gum to get your fix. If you get too high a concentration of nicotine in your eliquid, you will just increase your nicotine dependence. Yes, it will still be healthier than smoking, but you are still dependent on something just to get through the day. Nicotine gum has such low concentrations, and gets into your system so slowly, getting hooked on it is difficult. If you're lucky enough to be a once a week or a smoke-when-I-drink guy, just drop the habit completely or use gum. Don't splurge on vaping hardware.

If you're still serious about vaping though, post here and I'll let you know all my resources.

Edit: I used to be a 20's pack a day smoker. Switched to vaping 1.5 years ago and not touched a cig since.
subscribing to this thread.

I buy a 20 pack and smoke it over a week and then give a month or two before I start craving for another pack. I am thinking about buying e cigs too. or something like a hukkah type without nicotine. I dont have any withdrawal symptoms or anything but I tend to smoke whenever I am too bored or tensed.

Next month onwards I will be moving to Colorado so I was looking for some good vapes. I found one snoop dogg brand but not sure if its good. thinking of switching to weed completely instead of cigarettes.
Alright, I'll start off with some fundamentals for now, however, I would like the sign-off from a moderator if I'm allowed to go into this topic in more detail considering the subject-matter.

Things you'll need:
  1. Battery (the bit that powers the ecig)
  2. Charger (if it doesn't come with the battery and is not USB chargeable)
  3. Tank (the top bit that holds\vaporizes your liquid)
  4. Replacement coils for the tank (1 coil usually last over a month for me, although some people like to replace them earlier)
  5. Liquid (aka E-Liquid or E-Juice) this is what you'll need the most of and is stupid-expensive in India - even though it still works out cheaper than regular cigarettes - you just get it much cheaper abroad.
  6. Optional - Smaller dripper bottles: If you end up buying e-liquid in larger quantities (50 ml bottles or larger) then it will be difficult to use these to fill tanks. Get smaller dripper bottles which you use to fill your tanks. Dirt cheap anyway.
  • All recommendations are to allow for flexibility and convenience. The easier and more enjoyable your experience, the more likely you are to quit smoking.
  • Get a battery that supports variable voltage and\or variable wattage. They are usually only a little more expensive than their fixed voltage equivalents (as far as stick-batteries are concerned) but give you much more flexibility of the warmth of the vapor you get from the ecig. Usually people start out with a lower voltage since ecig vapor seems 'harsher' than regular smoke. But the moment you get used to it, people like to bump up the voltage to warm up the vapor to get it to feel more like a cigarette. Plus, different liquids behave\taste different with different voltages.
  • Battery capacity: There is always a trade-off between size\portability and battery life. My box mod holds 2 x 2100 mah batteries and lasts me two days (I vape quite heavily). My stick battery is 1300 mah and lasts me a day. You get really tiny ones (650 mah) which are super portable but you will need more than one to get you through the day. Having multiple batteries allows you to let one charge while you use the other, but if you have sufficient capacity to last you the whole day (if you charge it at night) then you don't need to worry about multiple batteries. One point you will eventually need to deal with is that batteries only have a specific number of charge cycles before they start wearing out. People claim batteries last them anywhere between 6 months to over a year. Eventually you will want to invest in a device that uses user-replaceable internal batteries so when the battery gets weak, you will not need to replace the entire thing, but just the internal battery which saves money long term.
  • Nicotine strength: I used to smoke around 20 cigarettes a day. I started out with 16mg/ml nicotine strength. It was so much stronger than a regular cigarette I really enjoyed it. But in hindsight, I should have probably started out with 12mg/ml to not create as much of a nicotine dependency. Popular strengths below 16mg/ml you should be looking at are 12mg/ml and 6mg/ml. You will need to strike a balance between making sure you are getting a sufficient kick from the ecig to ensure you stay off normal cigarettes and not creating a nicotine dependency. Perhaps get some liquid at 12 and some at 6. Start out with 12 and try 6 occasionally before you decide what you want to stick with.
  • E-Liquid: Flavours are everything when it comes to creating an enjoyable experience with vaping. I'd recommend trying a wide variety of flavours to find out what type you enjoy the most (tobacco, fruit, dessert, menthol, candy, drinks). From there on, you can start buying stuff you enjoy in larger quantities to save long term.
Occasional for me is like 2-3 a day when you hang out with friends which happens 2-3 days a week; lose the count when I drink but that happens 1-2 times a month.

Would like to give vaping a try @Grease Monk ; please share the info :) ...

Ebook at 130 bucks seems better deal IMO ...

This one pdf versions are easily available on internet or buy the digital version from flipkart. Just try this first.
My question is about the health advantage. Is Vaping really any benficial when it comes to lung damage.
My grandfather has been smoking for over 70 years now. His doctor says that if not for his damaged lungs he can easily cross 100 as his heart is very strong.
I was thinking of getting him to shift to vaping if it helps lessen the lung damage. From what I have read, vaping causes less damage to lungs because there is no toxic tobacco vapors as in a cigerette. In his case, I am not looking to make him quit smoking, but rather lessen the adverse effects. He smokes cheap Four Square cigarettes and occasional beedis, so normal expenditure for him is around Rs. 50 a day.
Filling your lungs with smoke is never healthy. Its about choosing lesser evils. Cigerette smoke has tar, carbon monoxide and a lot of radiation. Vape will have less of those.
Tried EON from ITC, flavour is average, vape is satisfactory but could be more dense. Another brand viz ZAAP has got pretty good reviews online but they don't deliver to Pune & even some parts of Mumbai.

@Grease Monk
Which brands would you recommend for the battery, charger, tank, replacement coils & liquid; amongst the few available in India? Ordering from abroad is out of question for me. Would like to build decent kit to try it out first.
Vaping is bit different from what is been sold over amazon n flipkart, i would suggest you to join dedicated forum for ecigs, vaping ......... would reccomend you guys to join http://www.indianvapers.com/forum/ . You can go through the info like what to start with , where to get gears & supplies and lot more. And there are real reviews from users.

Here's my setup i am using now


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