Mac OS Dual Boot Windows's 7 & Mac os x Snow leopard


i want to do dual Boot on my pc with windows 7 & Mac os x Snow leopard i dont no how to do plz give some way to do it currently windows 7 is running on my pc

System Configuration: Intel Dual-Core E5300 2.60GHz , Motherboard Intel Chip-set Intel Model no DG31PR, RAM 2gb Kingston , GPU Express Chip-set Family OS Windows 7
The thing you are asking is largely debated across the world calling it illegal, violating apple license etc etc. But everything is justified if you do it for knowledge right.

Will write a detail topic on this after couple of days. You see i have just joined and getting used to here. In the mean time you can google of visit or

BTW: Few point are.

1. How skilled are you. Are you comfortable with hdd partitioning etc.

2. Which hackintosh release are you planing to use.

3. You might want to upgrade to dedicated graphics like that from nvidia. This will help you go through the installation smoothly.
I'm assuming you did not take the time to read this thread? link

The OP there has quite the similar rig, and the installation on his rig has been discussed there. As I said in that thread, your config can be hackint0shed easily, bar the onboard graphics (You will either get a resolution lock at 1024x768 or you wont have QE/CI)

So unless you have a dedicated graphics card, the whole OSX experience would be somewhat dulled without QE/CI (IMHO)

If you're wondering what the hell it is that I'm on about, it's Quartz Extreme / Core Image: More info here

Dual booting Windows 7 and OSX will be fine with Chameleon.

And as Zino mentioned about the legality of a hackint0sh, I personally would say go ahead, if you want to try it either by using an OS86 Distro, or if you do end up using Vanilla Snow Leopard (at the risk of apparently sounding rude, again) I highly suggest you buy the DVD from Apple for 1800 bucks.

Thats just my opinion though. Good luck with hackint0shing!