Dealer v/s Manufacturer warranty - ebay dealers

Dark Star

Was just surfing up deals at various places an found out that some dealers are selling phones at around 4-5k lower than the original cost.

Ofcourse these are imported phones but all of them are sealed pack with all the accessories.

My point is are these phones worth looking at , I mean we do get all the stuff in a brand new pack + sealed, also its just a matter of one year the phone warranty withers.

So is there any other catch that is possible with these phones or just the warranty ?

Also is it advisable to buy such phones ? Dealers over at ebay has sold handful of devices withe on an average of ~99+ rating.

Please do enlighten me .

As you rightly pointed out, these phone do not carry any warranty so if something goes wrong with the phone or the battery, you would have to get it checked at your own expense and risk. Hence they are or rather have to be cheaper than the MRP in order to attract customers. Another thing with the imported phones is that there is no way of knowing whether they are actually new or factory refurb ones.
Dealer warranty is equivalent to no warranty. He has no obligation to service or replace your device. It is just a promise and we know how much that can hold up. Of course there might be some dealers who would accept claims but afaik things never move so smooth once the product is sold and ratings exchanged. So always use the products and then give the rating.
I also had the same query as OP.
Those flat 4/5K discounts on sub 20K phones with dealer warranty are very tempting. :)
Its pretty similar to getting the phone from the US using a service like shop &ship etc. those will probably be even more cheaper. With a dealer, try to see if you can find one in your city itself. You can directly goto the shop, chekc out the phone and buy.
its very tempting for those discounts, but if you read th item description it would clearly state what type of warranty is offered to you, else shoot in a question to the seller if you cant find one. when you search for an item using the advanced search option you can set your location and search in a particular area.

If you'd like to take risk your welcome to purchase a product under dealer warranty, its always business as usual. If you luck is good your product will work flawlessly. But most chance are rare!
When you sell that phone, if in less than a year, then you will probably need to sell it for 3-4k less as well compared to one which has local warranty. So that reduces the real difference in money :)
Almost all deal of the week mobile items in eBay are being offered with dealers warranty only. Earlier eBay used to put "Manufacturers Warranty" in their emailers for deal of the week items. But nowadays they are putting just "warranty"

I purchased one Sony Ericsson Live for 11k with dealer warranty before six months whereas SE India price was 16.5k! The phone seemed to be original with packaging & accessories. My only concern is I will not be entitled to avail warranty directly from SE India, even if I'm ready to pay.
To be on the safer side, I called the seller after receiving the unit and he assured that repairs will be made at his end till the end of warranty period. Who cares? Already six months passed., till now it is working fine :p

Note that all these phone are imported either from Indonesia or China. (In the box, the flag of the importer's country will be printed)
^ yup even i too bought sony live and sony neo v, about 3-4 months back, knowing well that it was without warranty , took a chance , both r working fine till now:)