CPU/Mobo CPUs at 5Ghz and 6Ghz

IBM's Power6 processor will be able to exceed 5 gigahertz in a high-performance mode, and the second-generation Cell Broadband Engine processor from IBM, Sony and Toshiba will run at 6GHz, according to the program for the International Solid State Circuits Conference that begins February 11 in San Francisco.

Read complete: A peek at faster Power6, Cell chips | CNET News.com

Taking a leaf from xfactor's book and posting some news I found interesting!!
I wont be surprised if Intel hyas a 7ghz samples of net burst architecture proccies lying around. But then again it means nothing. Intel is now in the cores race, how many cores can you add onto a die...
Seems like the Cell Processors at 6Ghz could b really nice number-crunching machines... Alongwith ATIs GPU, the cell processors could create some really powerful and efficient supercomputers!! Im sure we'll see a lot of these in the near future!
Aces170 said:
I wont be surprised if Intel hyas a 7ghz samples of net burst architecture proccies lying around. But then again it means nothing. Intel is now in the cores race, how many cores can you add onto a die...

The highest speed Netburst was able to reach was 7.2 Ghz afaik, but it required extreme cooling, ie liquid N2. This news isnt too exciting anyway, as everyone knows, clock speed stopped mattering a long time ago
^^ That was an oced version, the Intel lab ones might be needing some very efficient coolings, certainly not liquid nitrogen. But yeah clockspeed doesnt matter now.
Aces170 said:
^^ That was an oced version, the Intel lab ones might be needing some very efficient coolings, certainly not liquid nitrogen. But yeah clockspeed doesnt matter now.

Completely wrong if u said clockspeeds don't matter anymore... Clock speeds are essential because they will increase the performance of the processor (isn't overclocking helping performance). Since its tough to achieve higher clock-speeds without heat... ppl are moving to increasing the number of cores.

But then something like Power 5 which already has an IPC as good as the Athlon64s... u can have really good performance at 5Ghz!!
^^ Clockspeeds wont be that effective now, if you just have a single core, becasue most of the new applications would be multi-threaded for 2 or more processors.

And the percentage increase in PC is hardly directly equal to the percentage increase in performance.