Clash of the TITANS : The Movie

! 0 t A

Saw Clash of the Titans today in 3D. Went into the theater with high expectations , being a GOW fan :D ;but came out a bit disappointed :(

My quick review :

Play GOW 1,2,3 better than watching the movie.


If you dont own a PS3, watch the walkthorughs in HD on YouTube and avoid the movie.

Story - 7/10
Presentation - 6/10
Casting - 5/10
Chix - 9/10
Zeus and his gay costume = -1/10

GOW was so much better :(
And the whole setting is a rip off from GOW and a bit from DANTE's inferno.

Although story wise GOW is way ahead.
Best quote on IMDB :

If anyone wants to make a film about a hybrid character, then look no further than Sam Worthington, who has been half man half machine in Terminator Salvation, half man half Na'vi in Avatar, and now, half-man half-god
Good movie .. but cudnt capitalize on the great concept ... quite short .... in the end u just end up thinking - Is that all ..
I'm interested to know if the movie is worth watching in 3D or not?

I had heard that Alice in Wonderland wasn't worth watching in 3D, as it's not shot in 3D. I almost wanted to catch up normal viewing, but ended up watching in 3D.... turns out it wasn't as bad people were saying, in fact it was quite enjoyable watching in 3D, thanks to the dark yet colorful world Tim Burton painted on-screen and quirky characters and special effects. Of-course it wasn't an Avatar experience, since Avatar was tailor-made for 3D... each shot, effect, frame was carefully though and shot for 3D.

Anyway, how does COT faires on 3D viewing? I'm not talking about story or overall movie rating, just the 3D vs. Regular viewing experience.
I had super high expectation after watching the trailers of this movie, but it was quite a let down. I guess if you go with low or no expectations, you shouldnt be disappointed.

PS: fun fact that i read somewhere, just the nose of the Kraken took about 10 terabytes to process. wow. hardcore special fx.
Movie sux big time, story and history does not match. There is nothing 3D in it, watched the whole movie without the glasses and it was looking much better compared to with 3D glasses.
Roxtin said:
story and history does not match

What History? I thought the movie was based on mythical story of Persues. As far as I understand, myths are called myths because they don't have any historical evidence to prove otherwise. :)

Why does the mention of "History" reminds of the whole 300 debate? Many people scoffed at 300 as it wasn't historically accurate, when it was clear and told since the start that 300 was based on Frank Miller's glamorized fiction comic based on the original incident. Guess what, The Inglorious Basterds was also a fiction, but everyone loved it. :)

Having said all this, I think I would watch this movie anyways... if nothing else, the action and special effects should provide enough entertainment. After all even Avatar was weak story and mediocre screenplay, but it was a different experience and marvel of special effects. I think I'll let the price difference decide if I should watch it in 3D or Regular. :)
! 0 t A said:
Best quote on IMDB :

I thought of the exact same thing halfway through the movie in theater. I've yet to see a Sam Worthington movie where he isn't Half Man and Half X, lol.

I'll give the movie a 7/10, I got my monies worth, it tries to get a lot done in a short time and gets to the point quickly, great action but predictable storyline.
i was forced to watch the movie in 3D whereas i wanted to see it in 2D.. :no:

neway. coming back to the point.. the movie is worth a watch.. nice SFX.. nice actress.. :eek:hyeah: