OC & Modding Case Modding: Sleeving kit needed


Hey guys,

am on the path to modding my cabby and have successfully installed all the bling bling stuff like CCFLs & LED fans..now the only thing looking messy are the cables..have been looking around for sleeving kits but unfortunately apart from KMD it is not available anywhere locally.. Ordering from KMD wud have been possible but he doesn have the Blue sleeving kit anymore and said he wudn be gettin one soon..So if any of u guys have any info as to where i can find it locally pl share the same..
Appreciate ur help
in many good electronics spares shops are having good quality Indian & imported sleeves.Also MX brand also have the same,In Mumbai its very easy to get those things !!

I have never seen them in electronic shops..? If they have them, what should I ask them..?? Will it work for computer sleeving, would not the diameter of the sleeves be to large since they are for electronic equipment (if they have them).

The PABGB site not opening. Some warning, about harmful content...!
^^agree with you..PRimeABGB site has been warned for..anyways most of the shops in Lamington dont even know whats sleeving kit..Also i was more specifically looking for a Blue UV Reactive one..M sure its gonna be a diff. find. My last resort would be ordering it from KMD from newegg or so :(
amd999 is referring to Heat-shrink sleeves.

I would still recommend you check PrimeABGB. The site as such is pretty retarded and doesn't have half the stuff, thy have locally.

You could try calling up Ashok n finding out about availability 022 23855500.
its available in Electrical sparts shops (shop sells parts for motors,fans,fridges,grinders etc),or your local electrician can help you too.UV type sleeves is only imported by few dealers .