PC Peripherals Case fan recommendation

So i have an old CM case with 3 fans installed. One intake 140, one side intake 120 (into gpu) and 1 exhaust 120.
Both side and exhaust are 10+ year old cheap CM fans, one came with case. Front intake is new, Arctic p140. Dustfilters for both intakes. Generally all holes in case have been covered to reduce dust buildup - Had checked before and after this, there was no change in temps for me. Exhaust is not covered other than by case grill.

Its summer, i bought new gpu last year and it pushes hot air into cpu. cpu alone ( 3300x + DEEPCOOL GAMMAXX 400 V2) reaches around 80C on load which is fine and how it always was (78 on new installation 2 years back). Paste is probably ok too, cpu temp goes down quickly on idle to 45C-50C. I blow out dust from case and cpu cooler every two months or so too.

When gaming with heavy cpu+gpu load, cpu temp now goes to 90-91( it was 85 in winter). gpu is fine, around 75-76 max, similar in winter.
Case becomes hot, i am thinking using better exhaust fan might help. Would have gone for P120 but it seems to be not available.

Any recommendations for good 120mm case fans with good airflow ? I might replace both old CM fans. Don't care about RGB.
unmount the CPU cooler and check if the thermal paste has dried. Often dried thermal paste doesn't works as efficient as it should. Then try repasting with something better like gelid gc extreme. Because your idle temps are high as well.

Also, if your CPU fan is mounted horizontally, try mounting it vertically so that it can transfer the CPU heat directly to the rear exhaust.

One more thing you can try out is reversing the direction of side panel exhaust fan.
unmount the CPU cooler and check if the thermal paste has dried. Often dried thermal paste doesn't works as efficient as it should. Then try repasting with something better like gelid gc extreme. Because your idle temps are high as well.
I don't think its cpu paste issue. As i said, just cpu stress test temps are fine ( 80C vs 78C after cpu cooler installation 2 years back) and idle is also fine - it can go to low 40s i have never got better than that in Mumbai weather. Only ac might reduce that further. Also, with bad paste, based on prev experience, once we go from stress test to idle, temps should go down much slower which is not the case for me.

Issue happens due to gpu load which dumps heat into cpu in my case. So only during gaming. Half of the issue also seems to be room airflow. After some changes my max temp went down by 4-5 C and usually was much better.

Also, if your CPU fan is mounted horizontally, try mounting it vertically so that it can transfer the CPU heat directly to the rear exhaust.
DEEPCOOL GAMMAXX 400 V2 is mounted that way, it has large heatsink. Stock low profile fan was terrible.

One more thing you can try out is reversing the direction of side panel exhaust fan.

You mean 3 intakes vs 2 intake and 1 exhaust? Exhaust has slow and old fan, so i was looking to replace it. For now, still don't know if there is a good alternative to Arctic P12 which seems to be no longer available.