Canada doctors protest against pay increase for them

Lord Nemesis

Jun 3, 2005

More than 700 doctors in Canada’s Quebec are protesting against a recent pay rise for them because they say doctors are already taking home a fat pay cheque while nurses and clerks are poorly paid.

Meanwhile in India, doctors are willing to kill people with unnecessary tests and treatments to get their fat pay checks. Many doctors in private practice don't even pay taxes while earning in crores each year.


Nov 11, 2011
The doctors are protesting for their subordinates? Now, thats' something uncommon to hear.


May 22, 2008

Meanwhile in India, doctors are willing to kill people with unnecessary tests and treatments to get their fat pay checks. Many doctors in private practice don't even pay taxes while earning in crores each year.

+ 100 billion, for the fact mentioned about doctors in india. I assumed 25 billion doctors and their support industry people who wont agree to your comment. Otherwise you hit the bulls eye with your statement.


Heart Repairer
Dec 30, 2007
Too many assumptions and too far fetched generalizations.
What's the Difference between compensation package between Canada / US doctors vs India?
For starters : Resident Stipend in US etc is more than Consultant Salaries in India. With practice being much more difficult here. Work Hours are pretty reasonable in West, not so here.

So I feel very amused when someone compares that "Xyz Headphone is Cheaper in US, India sucks! " Let me reassure, If you loose your hearing because of the headphones mind that, Cochlear implant would cost at least 10 times cheaper in India. Medicines, Surgeries are much cheaper here.
For Example : It works out cheaper to Catch flight to Mumbai from NY and get the surgery done and go back, than getting it done in US. India is a favorite destination for medical tourism currently.

1. Western doctors Superiority is again a myth. There's nearly Ten Studies which highlight immigrant Indian doctors are better than native Americans

In fact, Indian doctors and Staff Nurse is a Brand in US.

2. What's the Age Doctors start earning? 28 yrs for Broad Specialists and 34 yrs for Super Specialists. Till that age they've to live on meager stipend ( Pvt institutions don't pay) or parents money or loans. Medical education is costly apart from money ; it takes most of one's youth.

3. Do any IITians or Govt Engineering graduates need to do compulsory Rural service for 1yr after graduation to get their certificates?
No, doctors have to! Many times To work in places hostile enough to survive, even without basic facilities some time. Even Pvt Medical Students have to do. Why this discrimination?

4. When everyone is working for Commercial interests, why do you single out any professional? Why do you expect doctors to practice socialism?

5. There are nearly 5 authorities a person can approach in case of suspected malpractice, prove it and get the compensation. Healthcare is not a absolute science, there are so many lacunaes in scientific evidence.

6. Here's the best part ; Compensation is awarded on the basis of what the diseased was capable of earning over a life time had he not been affected by Medical Negligence. Is the person charged, based on what his compensation would be? No tariff plans are same for everyone.

7. I'm not going in to details of how much it costs to run a hospital and Beurocrats are the worst when it comes to doctors. Why do you regulate surgery and investigation charges, when you don't give anything in subsidised rates to private hospitals? Compare it with popcorn in movie theaters or bottled water in Airports or Luxury hotels.

As with all professionals there will be corrupt in this profession too, but making such generalizations is stupidity.

Lord Nemesis

Jun 3, 2005
I am well aware of their difficulties. I have had 7 doctors as batch mates when I was doing my M.Tech. (They were doing M.Tech in Bioinformatics).

Did I say doctors shouldn't earn more, Did I say that doctors should practice charity? I am saying that they should be honest and professional just like I expect in any other profession. I am saying that we should show the same level of contempt towards corruption in medical field as we show in other areas. Their situation doesn't excuse them from being honest.

The problem is definitely not minor as you seem to think and the corruption in this field is not isolated exceptions, but rather honesty seems to be an exception.

I have a problem with the fact that doctors don't seem to think any thing wrong about putting two stents in a 33 year old patient who went to them because of some gastric trouble. I have a problem with the fact that a doctor deliberately would let a foot sore get worse so that he can amputate the leg and make more money though surgery. I don't like the fact that a doctor would blatantly lie that patient has a broken rib and ruptured lung so that he can scare monger the family and keep them in hospital for a few days to make money and refusing to discharge patient till threatened with media exposure. I don't like the fact that a doctor would rather do unnecessary surgery on me and make more money for something that can go away in a week with just medicines and just because I happen to have insurance. I don't like doctors desiring to indulge in fraud every time they see a patient with insurance. These is just a few examples of personal experiences.

I don't have a problem with a doctor that charges you 50k to cure a common cold and fever and cures just that, but I do have a problem with one who deliberately makes the condition worse or lies to the family to scare them into agreeing for unnecessary treatments just so they can make more money.

Can the 5 authorities you mention unkill a patient that a doctor killed with unnecessary treatment just because he/she wanted more money? Guess what? Money is a very poor compensation for life, limb or quality of life.

There are way too many encounters in my own life where doctors have repeatedly broken my trust in them so much so that I dread going to a doctor now. There is only one doctor that is an exception in last 5 years. He is a retired doctor who is literally doing charity because he charge just Rs 40 as his fee, doesn't write unnecessary tests or medications. I don't mind paying him Rs 400 or even more for the way he gives treatment. But then, I can go to him only for a few things.

Some time back, a doctor in India who my sister consulted misdiagnosed a Desmoid tumor as a harmless lipoma. He tried to hurry her into getting it removed without even doing a biopsy saying that its a minor surgery. Thankfully, my sister didn't relent. The oncologist who is treating her in US right now discussed her case with 7 other experts and told her that her tumor has a 94% chance of resurgence with high probability of more aggressive growth if surgery is done.


Apr 11, 2007
Resident Stipend in US etc is more than Consultant Salaries in India.
no, my cousin was a resident i earned more than her

With practice being much more difficult here. Work Hours are pretty reasonable in West, not so here.
Residents get treated like dogs in the states. Very long hours. You work like a dg for twenty years and only get to make the big bucks in the last ten.

1. Western doctors Superiority is again a myth. There's nearly Ten Studies which highlight immigrant Indian doctors are better than native Americans
insurance is the problem. half the fee is for insurance to protect them from malpractice. Indian or not is down to the individual.

3. Do any IITians or Govt Engineering graduates need to do compulsory Rural service for 1yr after graduation to get their certificates?
No, doctors have to! Many times To work in places hostile enough to survive, even without basic facilities some time. Even Pvt Medical Students have to do. Why this discrimination?
just goes with the territry. My cousin had to serve tw years in an underserved area. She opted to spend two years in india instead.

4. When everyone is working for Commercial interests, why do you single out any professional? Why do you expect doctors to practice socialism?
Agree but i think on average our system is better. How long fr depends on whether bigger interests can screw things up in their favour. Cost of drugs. Indira's stand of patients vs patents etc still holds.

5. There are nearly 5 authorities a person can approach in case of suspected malpractice, prove it and get the compensation. Healthcare is not a absolute science, there are so many lacunaes in scientific evidence.
Thought we did away with malpractice suits back in 2006. As in really hard to sue a doctor unlike abroad. There is wisdom to it.

As with all professionals there will be corrupt in this profession too, but making such generalizations is stupidity.
A lot of that takes place even abroad. The cure is more painful than the disease.
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