Can any one help me buy a Apple gift certificate ?


Hi all,

The title is self explanatory.

I have a ipod touch 2g and i want to upgrade the firmware to version 3.0

Sad part is i dont have a credit card.

Can any one help me buy a gift certificate..

i will transfer money to your account, you purchase the equivalent amount gift certificate and then mail the coupon to me.

Its a bit too much to ask, it will be great if someone can help me out with this.
Why exactly will you spend money on upgrading the firmware when you can get it for free???

The new firmware for the iPod Touch will become available very soon on various torrents and direct download sites. You can very easily use them to upgrade your iPod Touch 2G for free.

To get those site links, search in Google.
^^ Not everyone wants to be a pirate, you see... Quite a few members here in TE believe in paying for the software they need, unless of course it is a freeware.