C++ and C# compiler qyeries...pls help...frustrated


i have some question regarding compilers

1) i have visual studio ultimate 2010. can i compile c++ & c# program using that or i need a separate compiler ???

2)Can i compile C++ program on VC++?

3)Can i compile C# program on VC#?

4) i was able to compile c++ in vc++ as a new project but not as a new file

5) i was not able to compile c# in vc# as a new project also as in c++ in vc++

6) no c# support in visual studio 2010. no option to create a new file of c# in VS 2010
rakeshz said:
i have some question regarding compilers

1) i have visual studio ultimate 2010. can i compile c++ & c# program using that or i need a separate compiler ???

2)Can i compile C++ program on VC++?

3)Can i compile C# program on VC#?

4) i was able to compile c++ in vc++ as a new project but not as a new file

5) i was not able to compile c# in vc# as a new project also as in c++ in vc++

6) no c# support in visual studio 2010. no option to create a new file of c# in VS 2010
1. You can compile c++ as well as c# programs in VS 2010. Its just that you have to adapt to the project structure for compilations
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. As i said, you cant use a single file for compilation, you need to use a project as the IDE uses that to build and compile your programs.
5. you 'should' be able to compile, both c# as well as c++ code. There might be something missing, why dont you try just the default new project, and run compile without adding any of your own code. If it still does not work, then there might be something missing in the installation
6. Thats not true, VS 2010 supports C# unless you have omitted that during installation. Create project, and then add c# files.