Building a website


Jun 28, 2009
Hello folks,

I have a few queries regarding something which i have no knowledge of, would greatly appreciate any inputs, suggestions/ solutions or feedbacks on the same. I and my friend are in the process of starting a small time business of importing cargoes/ shipments from the US. What we need is :-
a website where we can track the customers orders
inbuilt email facility etc

so how can we go about it for building the website?
any third parties who can do the same?
approximate charges?
anything specifically to be kept in mind?



Jun 17, 2011
RadioHeAd said:
so how can we go about it for building the website?
anything specifically to be kept in mind?


Will you only be using the website or you customers also?
If customers also, then you will need to concentrate on quality of website.

First you will need to list down the access level how much information a customer can see or change, based on that, the criticality of website is measured. What if you customer is going to do the payment and something wrong happens.!! Bad impression..

If they will only see the data only, then normal portal will also do where they put some order number and see the details.

RadioHeAd said:
any third parties who can do the same?
approximate charges?

Well, there are many options.. There are many companies make websites as per our need, you can get it created from free lancers also!! :)

Few companies will give you overall package from domain name registration, web space to support of website after go live...
And if you are good at any programming language, you only can create simple portal easily :)