Bom Sabado


There is a worm named Bom Sabado spreading in orkut..i jus lost my account :(..i just opened my scrap my prof sent scraps to all my friend .
I too got a mail stating someone scrapped me this message. Thankfully did not open my account immediately, but ended up Googling to see what the word meant :) Looks like some virus and as long as you don't log into Orkut you are safe. Does anyone have more information?
I have not logged on to orkut account but use my gmail id and password to do so, what precaution should i take ?

Only logging onto orkut will affect us or not ?

Can the password be changed without logging on to orkut ? Or since i use my gmail id and password changing the same from within gmail will be safe ?
raksrules said:
I have not logged on to orkut account but use my gmail id and password to do so, what precaution should i take ?

Only logging onto orkut will affect us or not ?

Can the password be changed without logging on to orkut ? Or since i use my gmail id and password changing the same from within gmail will be safe ?
Yes you can change password from google account settings.
only for orkut. It attacks when u open scrapbook. If you stay away from opening other's or even your scrapbook for a couple of days, you are safe.