Laptops Are 10" Netbooks good for anything?



Are 10" notebooks suitable? I went to Nehru Place today and felt that the fonts are way too small. I felt so probably because I work on a 17" screen.

What do you guys use your 10" netbooks for?

My needs:-

1) Skype
2) Read books
3) Videos
4) MS Office

Do 11", 12" netbooks give a better experience? Are they worth the extra cost?
Let me answer them in the order you have asked:
1. Skype - Duh.. It is a netbook (In short good enough)

2. & 4. Read Books & Office - Reading E-Books, editing documents and stuff are okay as long as you don't mind the small display.

3. Videos - This depends on the videos you want to play. Divx and Xvid files are fine on the Atom 270 processor but 720p and 1080p will lag like hell. I have heard that the Asus 1005HA equipped with Atom 280 can play 720p files but don't take my word for it. If you plan to play hi-def videos on the go I suggest you wait for a month or 2 till ION based netbooks hit the shelf or get them online now.

Your last question of 11" and 12" can be answered only by yourself.
11" and 12" over a 10" netbook! And you really feel it's worth that miniscule upgrade over a 10" book?
I personally feel that 10" is way too small and 12" would be a good one for a netbook. Also, a HDMI port and ability to play HD movies would be icing on the cake. If I'm to buy a netbook, I would want it to do the following.

1 - Portable computer (obviously :p)
2 - HTPC
3 - 24x7 Downloading rig
I own a 7'' netbook, been 3 years now. It was a clone of Intel Classmate by HCL (the only difference being a 30 Gb hard disk). Except for HD videos, it works just fine. And its got 512 mb RAM. Netbooks are fun to have, that's for sure. As a side note, I have been using my netbook as my main system since I bought it. So yeah, netbooks are good for a lot of (general) things.