OC & Modding A few aircooling tips and tricks


Disclaimer:- all the ideas given below in this thread has been acquired from experience.
Proper directional flow through fans

This following picture shows the flow of air through a fan if you hang it in mid-air.

The red circular streams you see is very bad. When the fan is in a confined space these extend till the center of the fan, reducing efficiency by circulating hot air(which gets hotter) by 80%!

So what to do??
The obvious answer is to stop these little loops from happening.
And the easiest way to do it is to place a obstruction in th place where it works. Like below

But this isnt possible for all cases(situations).
For example RAM coolers or some VGA other PCI card cooler, were there is a heat sink and the fan is mounted on it plain jane as shown below.
Untitled copy.jpg

A few MOAR tips and tricks:-
  1. Its best to have intakes and exhausts for each major heat source in your case
    For example, i put a side intake fan for my GPU, and since it didnt come with its own awesome cooling, i had to raise my case to total lift of 1.5cm and put an exhaust tunnel to the back, sucking the air from below.
  2. Make sure your exhausts and intakes dont end up circulating one another's air
    what i mean is, sometimes having an intake and an exhaust will cause he intake to circulate the exhausts hot air itself.
  3. To prevent the problem stated in the above point, i like to set different sides for the intake or exhaust.
    For example:- i put all exhausts to the back and the side panel and front is for intakes.
  4. Use incense sticks to check air flow and remove unwanted turbulences.

Q1.Whats the deal about Air filters??
Ans. Well, airfilters are only required for the intakes of hard-to-clean-components and if you live in a dusty environment ( have industries nearby, or a lot of vehicles moving about).
Air filters will save you the trouble of having to dismantle the whole cooling unit for cleaning every month or so..

Air Filters are a complete waste on exhausts. In-fact i even chop off the grills on the case for the exhausts. They are also a waste in clean areas like the countryside. As Magikherbs stated, having a high RPM causes TURBULENCE. this is solved by placing the filter on the side of the fan such that the fan is SUCKING the air through it.

I have an air-filter for the CPU intake as my cooler is hard to clean. The GPU one dont need filters, a brush clean every month does the trick.
i found out that a 1mm wire mesh is working for me!
:D hope this answered your query.

Q2. What about negative and positive pressure??
Ans. Frankly, i never noticed the difference, but as AMD says it, always have exhausts, intakes are automatically chosen.
and i always like to keep a discrete hole someplace for the pressure balance, or to check pressure balance.
Click HERE for Fan Maintenance Procedures
great one but can u discribe it more detailed like for full town, mid town and mini town cabbys like this every one can get u'r message more clearly ;)

thanks for the information :)