Black holes

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So let us forget about about previous posts and start the discussions on the title of the thread!

Just watched on discovery science that, in black holes could be the gateways of the parellel universes! But alas! Nobody can see what's on the other side. But if someone tries, he/she would torn to pieces!

Lets see what further discoveries, scientists come up with!
So let us forget about about previous posts and start the discussions on the title of the thread!

Just watched on discovery science that, in black holes could be the gateways of the parellel universes! But alas! Nobody can see what's on the other side. But if someone tries, he/she would torn to pieces!

Lets see what further discoveries, scientists come up with!

I really do not understand how that could be true. I dont think a 'thing' could actually even reach the point of singularity of a black hole once inside the event horizon, forget traveling through it.

^ nice knowledge portal NASA

1: About stars, neutrons, pulsars etc - http://science.nasa....orm-and-evolve/

2- About black holes -

3- Black hole devouring a star (animated) -

Nice links. But it doesnt answer my problem.

I was talking about something like this and how it could look like in 3D.
Yeah that's what I believed until now!

But those scientists saying the things in the above mentioned post, were not the ordinary ones but were nasa scientists, and that was enough to break down my belief
ok one moment please , we cut this discussion for an emergency i dunno if other members have detected this

logging to this page it could be a link or something but avsat detected and blocked a virus on this page

i tried it 3 times and it showed every time .

i got it on screen

if admin would thankfully act so we can come back and continue our talk .

OFFTOPIC [Could it be my signature?

Because on of the member(aladdin) pmed me saying that avast is blocking my signature "GameR1120".

I will just delete/change it asap!

I can't change it right now as I'm posting this through my cell.

[EDIT: Just changed my nothing!]

Here's is an interesting link


which suggests that we are situated inside a black hole!!

Also, you gotta read the comments
yes its good now thanks , nice sig btw next time try a torjan !!

if your'e so smart where in your links does it say that - pulsar are a small planet shape rock that exist in the center of black hole?

and for the record neutrons/ pulsars and black holes are different.

am not smart , didnt i tell you this before ? i just saw the program on bbc and wanted to talk about it .

i dont see what is the difference between neutron star and black holes ? in the link it says they both result

from star explosion but but black holes is bigger and pulsar are an object that makes knocking sound

in the middle of it like the verses said . i dont see where i have gone wrong ? and am not following anyone

you may explain to me what is the different from neutrons and black holes . i know pulsars are the object inside it .

if you said that neutrons are smaller black holes then am correct if not please tell me .


, this information helps distinguish whether the object is a neutron star or a black hole, since black holes are more massive than neutron stars.

now what dose that means ? they both the result of a star explosion tho a black hole .. or did i get it wrong ?

but black holes are bigger ? neutrons have pulsars inside them but not black holes ??

and no i dont think am smart
black holes stabilize a galaxy, it hold all the star toghether(and dark matter,mostly the dark matter i think),, it devour anything near its event horizon.

yes its good now thanks , nice sig btw next time try a torjan !!

am not smart , didnt i tell you this before ? i just saw the program on bbc and wanted to talk about it .

i dont see what is the difference between neutron star and black holes ? in the link it says they both result

from star explosion but but black holes is bigger and pulsar are an object that makes knocking sound

in the middle of it like the verses said . i dont see where i have gone wrong ? and am not following anyone

you may explain to me what is the different from neutrons and black holes . i know pulsars are the object inside it .

if you said that neutrons are smaller black holes then am correct if not please tell me .


, this information helps distinguish whether the object is a neutron star or a black hole, since black holes are more massive than neutron stars.

now what dose that means ? they both the result of a star explosion tho a black hole .. or did i get it wrong ?

but black holes are bigger ? neutrons have pulsars inside them but not black holes ??

""Theoretical models of black holes formation reveal a minimum necessary amount of matter to form a black hole in the range of 1.6 to 2.5 solar masses. Astronomers from Arecibo, however, predict that a neutron star could maintain its state until it reaches a mass of about 1.9 to 2.7 times the mass of the Sun, so anything above this limit will ultimately result in a gravitational collapse.""

so basically black hole is the next stage of a neutron star



inorder to get banned! Right?

cheer bombastic one , i just formatted and reinstall all week long after a virus attack called the crawler got to firefox i couldnt clean it up

really i had loads of games installed and was in the middle of skyrim . i was happy with the new clean installation and i didnt expect that

red window from avast specially when visiting the enclave but looking at your avatar i can imagine who you are . (jocking)

here is a song for you


black holes stabilize a galaxy, it hold all the star toghether(and dark matter,mostly the dark matter i think),, it devour anything near its event horizon.

yes but what they where before they become a black hole ? you are not talking to a total nob here , they where stars and the neutrons where stars

then died so they both are the result of one indecent but black holes are just bigger stars ... or am really going blind here ?

there for they can both called different kinds of black holes ..

that all dose not cancel the words they where used in the verses : piercing star (there is a dead star in both black holes and neutrons)

the reference to the sky and to the fact that the prophet could not know that fact at that time .

the naming of the pulsar and its knocking sound . that shocked the scientists at the 70s and they thought its a message

its ok now .. if i said anything wrong correct me if not but you just dont like it let me go ....

i think i need to be educated all over again about what is black holes and what happens to suns after they die


and what will happen to our solar system after the sun explode ? it will be a neutron or a black hole ?

because i think we need to start thinking about making planetary space ships real soon

Please, you are very much wrong. Please do some more research.

The minimum amount of mass required for a gravitational singularity is clearly not as high as 1.9-2.7 times solar mass.

A Neutron star has formed because gravitational collapse has stopped because of neutron degeneracy pressure. A gravitational singularity (Black hole) forms when nothing is strong enough to oppose gravity and stop gravitational collapse.
so? they are both dead stars and undergoing the same mechanism , but the result is diffrent due to size .

the i read that one spoon weight of the pulsar is billion tons!


it says here

Neutron stars are one of the possible ends for a star. They result from massive stars which have mass greater than 4 to 8 times that of our Sun. After these stars have finished burning their nuclear fuel, they undergo a

supernova explosion

Scientists think the smallest black holes formed when the universe began.

Stellar black holes are made when the center of a very big star falls in upon itself, or collapses.

conclusion : neutrons are just smaller black holes

are we back to grade one sir ? they are both supernova and the verses said the knocker and the piercing star so you make

your pick maybe he meant both pulsar neutrons and black holes what are we getting at here ?

By the sky and the knocker

and haw do u know about the knocker

the piercing star

in the verses it did not say the knocker is the piercing star the translation is wrong it said like i wrote

i think its an explanation of the mechanism of both

if you are asking me to learn more am just trying to do so if you have time am listening

they are not dead stars but are in the process of dying, and i don't think black hole is technically a star(corrct me if i'm wrong),

and out sun will die as a red giant, don't worry, core of the earth die before our sun will become a red giant.


i really don't know the actual numbers behing their creation, i just copy/pasted, this is what i know, when a star runs out of fuel it can't counter against gravity, and eventually gravity takes over and the star collapses.

ps. ok i researched more,, when a star has no nuclear fusion going on is a dead star
yeah well am not here to correct anyone i came to learn , and am not here to spread the word of religion on a tech forum

am just a common person , i dont even practice my religion correctly until recently as am trying hard to be better person .

i just like space science a lot since i was young and read all about alien ships since i was young until i learned haw far

we are from any other living planets and the fact that no carbonic life can make it to here .

but i believe in intelligence and i think as a paradox of the above theory that our life will never end .

we are stronger than our red giant . i think we still have millions of years on earth just imagine what technology

we will have in hands . i believe human race will abandon this planet when the sun runs out of fuel .

just like we go and find new water wales when the ones we have runs out .

my theory is not to reach another living planet but to make our own artificial planet just like we made cities

we need to make something i call a planetary ships the size of those ships will make it hard to lunch it from earth

so they will be made out side earth , its like heaven in religious . the ships will make its own water and food and oxygen

and fuel . to do this we must be good as god told us and not fight or destroy our planet .

or we will face hell which is the red giant its not about who will go or stay its about we all go or we all burn .

those ships will sail tho and will not stand still even for millions of years we will live on it and mine from space

the resources we need . and live normally for a final goal which is to find another young sun with a living planet

in its solar system . at that point our knowledge will go high and higher and intelligence will beat death

and we will live for ever as god promised . and unit with the universe

you see haw far gose my imagination ? am not here to fraud you guys with things i read on my religion

i just saw that program and it made me think . i could have went to a religious forum and they all will say

amen amen . but i wanted to come here and learn and to put this to test .

to be honest i cant declare that the verse have won over your realistic mind . but honestly i dont see haw the verses lost .

most of the opinion against it where aggressive not scientific .

ps. ok i researched more,, when a star has no nuclear fusion going on is a dead star

By the star when it descends where the arabic word translated to descend also means fallen or collapsed

Your companion [Muhammad] has not strayed, nor has he erred,

Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination. same word used but to mean of thin air هوى

It is not but a revelation revealed,Taught to him by one intense in strength -

One of soundness. And he rose to [his] true form While he was in the higher [part of the] horizon.

Then he approached and descended And was at a distance of two bow lengths or nearer.

And he revealed to His Servant what he revealed. The heart did not lie [about] what it saw.

So will you dispute with him over what he saw? He certainly saw of the greatest signs of his Lord.

and again the verses speak about the death of stars . direct and straight forward .

he didnt say planet or moon or a pop music star hehe .
people, can we start a new thread on science where no religious verses comes in between?

Or we can just continue here without quoting religious texts.

I like how religious people use crutches of science to make their religion 'relevant' in modern world.
yeah well am not here to correct anyone i came to learn , and am not here to spread the word of religion on a tech forum

am just a common person , i dont even practice my religion correctly until recently as am trying hard to be better person .

If you are trying to obtain knowledge through ancient texts, then you should also go through gita and bible as well. They have been around for a much longer time and contain a wealth of knowledge for those open minded enough to read them in the right way. In any case, Jewish (Hebrew) scriptures are the source for majority of Islamic texts not to mention christian. So you might just want to go to the roots directly.
nah , you got it all wrong , its too complicated for me i just want to make my pray and read from the book as intend .

well we dont speak that language any more anyway we all have different common languages which is totally different from that text

but we dont write the language we speak most now are off to study English and french and German

so sometimes i need translators to understand the meaning of the words . so am not going into the other side there no .

am not smart .. i didnt come here to quote religious texts or open a religion thread i wanted to learn about the space

thats why i came to a tech board . the way i felt when i saw that program is similar to you saw believe me

am not stressing that is right or wrong am just trying to see what intellectual persons would comment on it

randomly .

anyway it will be too complicated for me to go to other religion while i need to study mine first .

be informed that what you said will make me quote more verses from quran .

quran said its the last book in god messages to earth when it came it had all the other verses

of all the known prophets before . plus the knowledge of their time plus the knowledge of future .

the gita prophets are not familiar to me . we know Moses and Christ and their ancestors all heaven messages came from middle east.

so quran is like a patch you see it have all the other patches inside it . if we read it then we read all

the others lets see haw :

i will only tell u the verses names ok ?

10- yunus = Jonah

11- hud = Judas

12- yusuf = Josef

14- ibrahim = Avram

19- maryam = all the bible is in that verses marry

3- al imran = imran family the tree where the ancestors of prophets

this one tell of all the stories of gods prophets

god never said to use the quran not the bible

you see ? like you tell new users its ok to use windows xp but windows 8 have what

windows xp has but with more features . and it all comes from Microsoft .
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