!!TV Tuner Software Configuration Doubt



The config of my PC is PIII, 1Ghz, 64SD RAM.

I have "PixelView PV - BT878P" Internal TV Tuner Card.

One thing is that the software bundled with drivers "Pixel View PC Station" is not working properly. I meant the Video and Audio isnt clear. Though we can make out whats goin on but it isnt clear and also it lags.

So i installed Intervideo's Win DVR 3.0 . Its working like a charm. Didn't need to change the settings either.And video is also crystal clear and for the cream i am even able to record with its help even on 64 SD RAM (ignoring initial 5 sec voice lag).

Now comes the problem. The Remote which was provided with Card isnt working with this software. I tried to configure the settings in Win DVR but theres no such option. I even tried other softwares like ,

Chris TV - Distorted / Unclear Video and Sound.

Dscalar - Too Confusing so unable to configure and so video black and white.

KTV - No Video or Audio.

So its gettin too problematic to change the channels without remote.

So is there any way i can configure Win DVR to work on remote. Or is there any other software as wonderful as Win DVR (considerin my weak machine).
