Morning walker for Diabetic


Im thinking of buying morning walker for my parents,(Is this a good buy? ) any feedback on this equipment or similar ones will be highly appreciated.
Nothing can beat a regular walk down the streat. Trust me, I have diabetes and walk ATLEAST 1 hour daily in the morning.

In addition to controlling blood sugar level, it really helps improove the general health too.
you mean those gizmos which create effects like walking with massage / other sensations to feet?

or you mean a treadmill?

if its former it will not do any good to your parents.

if is second one then its usefull but carefull usage and regular exercise will help out.

Diabetics and in general healthy people also benefit maximum from brisk walking in morning.

Walking helps regulating body sugar levels plus it settles BMR to a higher level so even if you are in a sedentary work your body spends little more than usually it does without walking.

So morning brisk walking helps in regulation metabolism of body and much more.

so in short stay away from gizmos / use treadmill if your parents cant go out of home for walking because of whatever reason.
Taken this from other thread

PiXeLpUsHeR said:
Also consider taking Glucosamine supplements for the wrists. It is a natural building block for cartilage, synovial fluid, and other connective tissue. I use for my wrists because I get some pain from both the computer and from boxing classes. I find that this really helps and it is all natural and non harmful to the body, it is good for any type of joint problems that you may be having and is especially recommended for older people because they often suffer from joint problems too.

can i recommend Glucosamine for my parents they both are diabetic and facing (joint) knee pain.

@ medpal is it recommended?
h4x0R ,

My friends both parents are diabetic but walking + food control + medicine keeps them fit.

My yoga guru (I'm not with him at present) said to has 400 points sugar, but with regular yoga he can eat any mithai with sugar and his sugar is in control even he didn't take any injections or tablets (he suggest not to start any injection/tablets for, but to take help form Good yoga guru/school/class and still problem not solved than do as per doctor says, but it is for the initial stage patient, I don't know from when your patient has sugar problem)

Do not start any supplement (Glucosamine) just viewing any ads. in print media or TV, it may worst the situation.

Please do not rely on this reply, may be your parents have some other physical problem and just can't keep sugar in control so best to contact any dietitian cum doctor (specialist - MD - for diabetic patients)

PS: You need be to MORE CAREFUL as diatribes is inherited so keep watch and avoid to get catch by Sugar Problem, do regular gym or walking. Precaution is better than CURE
@h4xor :

glucosamine is a molecule which helps regenerate the cartilage cells so that joint pain is less and stability is more.

its a medicine to be taken in consideration patients health.

in general its a simple benign medicine and can be taken but you should consult your physician so it does not interact with other medicines your parents taking.

what i would recommend that you should add an antioxidant(a combination of vitamins) once daily as supplement. (It will help rejuvenate silent effects of diabetes) (most products are made from animal origin ingredients so if you are strict vegetarian than check for vegetarian symbol on pack)

and also add calcium and vitamin d3 combination specially for your mother it will help a lot on long run to help bones and joints.

regarding glucosamine check with your physician first and then start.