Low speeds on BSNL 256k ul plan


Been getting speeds of only about 13kbps for both ul and dl since yesterday. Initially thought that it was some problem on my side but I checked internet activity from the firewall, tried downloading http, torrents, tried in both vista and xp and yet no change.

Anybody else in blore getting half speeds?
wot's the average speed u used to get before???.. i ve heard u get +100kbps on 256 ul MTNL/BSNL....correct me if m wrong
amitmishra12 said:
wot's the average speed u used to get before???.. i ve heard u get +100kbps on 256 ul MTNL/BSNL....correct me if m wrong
I don't think one will get 100kbps for an 256kbps connection. At the most 35kb/s for a torrent
I doubt if people can get anything better than and average of 28kbps on bsnl UL 256kbps. There might be rare peaks to 35 but mentioning that as speed is exaggeration imo.

Terrible speeds still, I'm hoping it might go away by itself.
BSNL has been slow for past few days...

DNS resolving is taking a lot of time... pinging shows 23ms but still webpages are taking time to load...