Budget 21-30k Laptop for movie watching


Hi all,
I am looking for laptop available here itself,

Needs are as follows.
Pre installed windows 7 with maybe win8 upgrade.

Core i3

Ram can be minimum most. I have 8gb ram unused at home. So will update myself.

Main requirement is pretty good screen.

Please guide me.
Getting real confused.

I was waiting for ivy bridge laptop but it's not launching in as much strength as I thought.

How do you define a 'pretty good screen'? A HD or FHD? You see most laptops in that range come with the 1366 x 768 resolution. You will be hard pressed to get anything else. And also what screen size are you looking for?
Am looking for 14 inch or 15.6 and I do agree about 1366*768.
what I mean is it should have good viewing angles and decent colors for movie watching.

Fill the requirement of laptop in this way. So we can understand and give you the best suggestion for your laptop.

•What's your Budget? (e.g. >30K, not more than 50K etc.)
•What will be your primary usage for the notebook be? (e.g. web surfing/office apps/Casual Gaming)
•What size and weight considerations do you have? (e.g. Do you want a 17" desktop replacement or you want an ultraportable 12" or something in between)
•Any brand that you prefer, or any brand that you detest? (e.g some would prefer to stay away from Acer or Dell)
•Any other considerations? (e.g Battery life; Widescreen/non-widescreen; Glossy/Matte screen etc.)

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