Any GIS Enthusiasts here??


Hi Guys,

Just wanted to know if there are any ppl who are into GIS space.

For those who dont know what GIS is, firstly it stands for Geographic Information System. It involves several operations that integrates, stores, edits, analyzes, shares, and displays geographic information.

Best example is Google Maps.
Yeah!! its the best GIS system out there.
There are several Proprietary software such as ARCGIS , MAPInfo that provide basic GIS functions, information can be accessed, transferred, transformed, overlaid, processed and displayed .

There are several open source technolgies that are also available such as GRASS, MapServer etc. but as it is with open source, they are not as user friendly as the proprietary ones.

For more info on this space you can check out Wikipedia

Btw, I am using MapServer as my map engine for an application involving maps, and also i am using OpenLayers for its frontend (Pan, Zoom, Tile features) and PostGIS as Backend (Spatial Queries etc.)

If anyone else has been working on this space, do let me know, maybe we can help each other out if we are stuck in some place.

I had worked on this technology about 3 years back. MapGuide Open Source with .NET as the front end and SQL as the backend. We had to start from scratch as we didn't know anything about GIS and had this major GIS project on our hands. Was fortunate enough to get a crash course by Andy Morsell (one of the leading members of Mapguide and a techie to the core.

Unfortunately I was involved in the capacity of a lead in that project and did not have to do much hands-on coding.