Search results

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    Suggestions needed for Routers in range of 2500 Rs

    Is suggest Linksys E1000 is you only need a wifi router. If u need adsl2 modem + wifi router then Dlink 2750U Both can be found for 2.5k or less. Using both so can vouch for their performance.
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    suggest wifi router with good range

    i'd suggest the Linksys E1000. I got one in april for's street price must have come down by now. Super Wireless N router.. extremely stable and dead simple to configure.
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    Kaspersky Antivirus & Internet Security Genuine Activation Codes

    pls pm me KIS 2012 3 user licence charges for 1 yr. Pls note i need 2012 version as my 2011 is due to expire soon... thanks :) And also your payment details mate..
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    Need a Router for Gaming

    If this helps i bought a Linksys E1000 for 2.5k with bill last month... absolutely painless to set up... and no issues at all with online gaming on psn n xbl
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    Purchasing products online

    Do you read before you post? The OP has clearly mentioned he wants to know reliable websites to make purchases online? Is your Nehru place feasible for someone in mumbai? Do you come down to god-darned lamington road to buy hardware?
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    Nexus S Availability in Mumbai

    Saw the nexus S at alfa, mumbai on saturday for 32,500
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    Google Checkout?

    i have always been charged a conversion charge... using google checkout since the day android market was opened for india
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    Buying iPod Touch 4G

    If you're referring to the ipod touch purchases over eBay... rest assured.. all u need to do is register the device here Then you get a one year warranty regardless of whether your purchase is with or without bill. Once...
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    Buying iPod Touch 4G

    @harish order it from the ebay link posted above.... seller's name is stuffcool. I have ordered the black case package... am getting it delivered tomorrow :) He has red as well.
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    Buying iPod Touch 4G

    ^^ @techno_funky i ordered the same capdase package yesterday from the ebay vendor u mentioned above :) Do u know what kind of scratchguard comes in this package? The regular one which attracts fingerprints or the "anti-fingerprint" one made by a brand called "Professional" ?
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    Buying iPod Touch 4G

    picked up the 64gigger 4th gen from alfa today.... 23.5k :wOOt:
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    PSN India Gone Live

    You *can* very well preview dynamic themes.. dunno about premium ones though.
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    (Rant) Different versions of Android ?

    i felt the same when my Desire bought from the grey market had atrocious battery life :D Happy SGS owner now !!!
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    Airtel wifi modem - should I go for it?

    Get Netgear WGR614.... easy to setup n very reliable. And cheap too. Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
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    Cheapest place to buy Windows 7 64 bit online in India

    ^^ Doc unlikely you'll get any cheaper. You *might* but it will FOR SURE be an OEM copy or probably one of those early MSDN or Houseparty giveaway copies that M$ handed out. Be careful if u r offered something thats too good to be true... cos it might just not be it.
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    Cheapest place to buy Windows 7 64 bit online in India

    I got mine from here Microsoft Store Home Win 7 Home premium for 5700/- including shipping. ( package includes both 32 and 64-bit editions ) Totally legit and its the retail version... which means unlimited installs ( but a single user license ). You just cannot find a better deal than this...
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    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!) Thanks spacevoid mmmmuuuaaaahhh :) repped ya bro
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    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!) pmed u my email address bro :clap:
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    Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

    Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!) need bitgamer invite please
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    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    thanks SOM1... many many thanks... repped u bro :)