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    At what framerate does a Game run very smoothly ?

    Yes, no doubt. This is called something like motion blurness. TV and Video first of all run at lower resolution and its blurred a lot. This blurring cause the adjustant pixels colors to match a lot. This blurness makes it look smooth. PS2 runs the game at such crappy resolution, blurred image...
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    CPU/Mobo Conroe Performance Preview Follow-Up

    Intel was having performance lead over Athlon XP for a long time before Athlon 64 was introduced. But, AMD still sold like hot pan cakes, mainly becoz dey used to give best bang for bucks. So, even if Intel has the performance lead, the price always will be the deciding factor and AMD always did...
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    PC Peripherals New APU from Razer : Razer Barracuda

    Getting a new APU in the market is a great idea and those figure will not just attract gamers but even sound enthusiats. But having a properitary connectors for thier headphones is really a bad idea. I have used headphones worth 800$ and I bet, even this headphone will never match that quality...
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    OSX 10.4.4 cracked

    Btw, guys i just managed to run Mac OS X on AMD Athlon 64 with lots of experiments. Its not entirly functional, as sound card is disabled and iTunes keeps on hanging my system.
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    At what framerate does a Game run very smoothly ?

    Before, I say anything about how much frames you require for smooth gameplay, lemme explain a lil theory. When you see a movie or a game in a TV or monitor, nuthin is actually moving. Just dat the images put in sequences so fast, so dat u can get an illusion, dat the stuff is actually moving...
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    FS: 1700+ Mobo

    I got AMD Athlon 1700+ to sell. I think it is not thoroughbed verison. So, dont expect ocing.
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    PC Peripherals Iomega aiming for 800GB DVDs

    DVD Dual layer cost 325 in market. I wud rather buy 10 DVDs for dat price.
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    Hello there

    I Pmed Quickfire. But, he doesnt seems to reply me back.
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    Hello there

    Hello everyone to the members of techenclave. I did send a feedback mail to you all, but never got an answer back. So had make an forum id. Anyways, i wanted to have talks with the webmaster of this websites and all the members who makes this site filled with contents. Can anyone gimme thier...