Recent content by sausuke

  1. S

    Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

    18777 is pretty stable.. if you want to use the tutorial in first page use 16994 firmware
  2. S

    Not able to download torrents using Asus Rt-N13U

    flash dd wrt and use transmission.. Download master sucks
  3. S

    Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

    Hello everyone.. I'm planning to copy my existing optware plus transmission settings with files to another drive 'cause I'm going to upgrade my 150 gb to 250 gb.. with ext3 partition of course to the second drive.. is it possible? or I need to install again from the start thanks... Update...
  4. S

    Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

    wow nice... if there is dual WAN setup can you pm me where can I read it thank you
  5. S

    Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

    Definitely samba.. easy to config if you read or google.. no need to remove from the router.. can copy and paste from windows and I watch what I download in it :) btw anyone knows if this router is capable of dual Wan with dd wrt? thanks
  6. S

    Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

    Already solved it.. it seems my ipk is a wrong one that's why it is not accepted.. successfully downgraded to 2.40.. thank you very much everyone.. I really appreciate it.. btw anyone knows if 18777 build has working QOS *I turn it on, read the wiki but no avail*.. because transmission eat all...
  7. S

    Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

    I tried that but my question is where do I put the ipk?? sorry for being newbie I really don't know.. can you please guide me where to paste it.. I tried to paste to /opt.. I can't paste the ipk in root thanks btw I tried another approach using this in /opt/etc upload the ipk in mediafire and...
  8. S

    Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

    I google and find some 2.42 ipk but i dunno how to use it.. I've tried ipkg install <file.ipkg> but it always connects to the latest transmission version.. I even tried force downgrade command something.. one of the private trackers need 2.42 transmission :( I tried this ipk...
  9. S

    Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

    anyone knows how to downgrade transmission version?? I really need 2.42 version.. thanks
  10. S

    Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

    thank you very much... will try that tomorrow :)
  11. S

    Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

    is there working shutdown script when removing the hardisk.. can somebody share it.. thanks :)
  12. S

    Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

    thanks but umount /opt do not work for me.. I tried SSH/telnet and in command GUI on dd wrt.. or there's another way around? thanks EDIT: ok it works now using this command XD thanks you very much :)
  13. S

    Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

    btw anyone know what build is good for QOS in RT N13 B1.. I hope someone replies thanks
  14. S

    Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

    I've switch to build 18777... so much have change since then XD thank you for the post of ReVo_007 and dinjo *combination of first page and past post* I think someone edit the first page for the different build because for me someone will get confused example flashing to 18777 then copying the...
  15. S

    Asus RT-N13U B1 - DD-wrt thread

    Finally I was able to understand this thing because of Windows 8... my setting in Windows 7 in network tab do not work on Windows 8 *it appears but I can't see the files because of network error* so this one helped me thank you very much again for the tutorial in first page