Recent content by bendavid

  1. B

    Reliance jio static ip per mac address

    I understand it's easy! But, I like to try the hard way!;) 1587627302 The question I always have is, I have a V6 address which is global. But, I can't do any ICMP V6 outbound to the internet ( Which means, this V6 address is a dummy one? If not, why it's not reachable to...
  2. B

    Reliance jio static ip per mac address

    The thing I'm having is NAT444. The flow is having 3 IP addresses involved. 10.x.x.x -> 172.x.x.x -> 137.x.x.x 10.x is my local addr. 137.x is the external one. 172.x are used for ISP's internal services i believe. The thing is, I can enable inbound connection by using a Vpn tunnel or SSH. But...
  3. B

    Reliance jio static ip per mac address

    @vivek.krishnan "You said ipv6 is accessible from outside". I don't understand how. I tried and I can't. I used a tunnel broker, but public IP (router) is blocking ICMP. So it's not possible to use tunnel broker either. Did you try? Can you access your ipv6 *from outside* ? Thanks!