Can paying attention to the smallest details be of any importance?


Lord Escanor
“Paying attention to the smallest details of production can be of strategic importance” – Elucidate this statement with examples.
Are you asking TE to do your homework assignment for you??? :D

I would put a counterargument to that statement - "The pursuit of perfection is a pitfall" - meaning trying to pay attention to small details is OK but not the "smallest" implying pursuit of perfection which can be never-ending waste of time and energy.

Real life example: A friend of mine who works in tesla as assembly line manager told me recently about this. Tesla keeps on changing its layout of assembly line of their electric cars hoping to shave off just seconds off the assembly line. This is done ofcourse spending many man hours plus permutation and combination of different assembly robot along the assembly line.

It may seem wasteful to outside layman to undertake such massive operation on monthly basis just to shave off few seconds of assembly lines because testa sells fraction of cars companies like GM and voslkwagen does today.

But musk ensures this activity done so that once model 3 starts production (Fremont factory is expected to product half a million cars this year) and is aiming for million cars next year, shaving few seconds off assembly line now gives tremendous benefits down the line ie by increasing the total capacity of the factory enabling them to sell more there by increasing revenue. All this by just saving a few seconds of assembly line

The above example maybe used to demonstrate that “Paying attention to the smallest details of production can be of strategic importance”[DOUBLEPOST=1488083367][/DOUBLEPOST]I just did your homework for you (typing this from phone so errors regretted)
Is it from you management homework or what?

This is one of those loaded questions which doesn't have a perfect answer. So its more like "It depends".

If you ask a manufacturing/assembly line person he will tell you perfection is required because even a simplest, unimportant thing can cause issues later. As elucidated by the example above.

But..then there are things like software engineering where things go wrong no matter the amount of smallest details you cover. There is no perfection in software because there are always scenarios you haven't thought of. That's why software engineering tends to have rollback plans, disaster recoveries, bug bounties etc.

The interesting thing comes when people try to apply six sigma or other manufacturing "best practices" to software, it is always a disaster. Same goes for vice-versa.
Attention to detail is good. "Paying attention to the smallest details" sounds like OCD.[DOUBLEPOST=1488214663][/DOUBLEPOST]
“Paying attention to the smallest details of production can be of strategic importance” – Elucidate this statement with examples.

Your thread title (Can paying attention to the smallest details be of any importance?) is a question. The post is not that question. They want you to elaborate on a statement. Your title and post mean two different things.

My post is an example of attention to detail. It could also be an example of OCD. Or grammar police.[DOUBLEPOST=1488214762][/DOUBLEPOST]Yes, i'm semi-trolling.