Breaking Windows 98 Passwords!!!


1)when the computer boots keep pressing F8 until you get to a boot screen.

2)Select boot in DOS.

3)Get yourself into the windows folder by typing "cd windows" (without the "")

4)next type "dir *.pwl". This will display the login password files.

5)after you found out the one thats yours (or ne1 elses you want to get into) type del username.pwl

6)Reboot the computer

7)When you have to login, put in the username you deleted, and enter ne password you like.

8)The computer will say sumthin like "No password. Would you like to use this one? Confirm?

9)Put your password in, and voila!

10) sit back and watch all the noobs try and open their windowz boxes with the wrong password!!!

Well, Just working out for Xp passwords... Lets see if any geeks out there can help!!!
there is a software (forgot name, had version number 3.5 IIRC) which displays what password another user uses :eek:hyeah: even dialup ones!!!!