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  1. hapticcc

    Android Must have APPS for Android

    did anyone here tried themer its a great app
  2. hapticcc

    Less than 10K A secondary phone with good Battery Life

    get pioneer p3 or canvas juice both are awesome smartphone and juice has some magical battery power
  3. hapticcc

    Budget Above 25K LG G2 or Nexus 5 or something else ?

    if brand matters Nexus 5 is best and selling India like hotcakes If it doesnt and you can look for Gionee elife e7 its a great smartphone very very good just give it a try gionee isnt third class brand its top rated chinese company which has a experience of several years in mobile community
  4. hapticcc

    Budget 15-20K Best Dual sim mobile required

    just wait yesterday dual sim moto g was released in australia nad would launch in india by end of this month. If you cant wait better buy Grand 2 its price is 22500 and you can get a 3-5% discount if you are good at bargaining. Or buy online use coupon