Search results

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    Lightest laptop with GPU power

    Dell has this amazing offer in US. Trying very hard to convince some of my friends to get it for me. Damn good configuration !!! The Dell Online Store: Build Your System
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    frankmehta wants ® an Ultraportable: 12-13" Lightweight Laptop

    Man, did you get it finally? I can't hold the suspense any longer. :D
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    Lightest laptop with GPU power

    Hey Sailesh, Thats awesome. I will try to see if I can get it.
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    Toshiba International Warranty

    I am planning to take Toshiba Portege from US. So, it comes with a 1-year standard warranty. How do I extend it, when some problem comes? Will I be able to extend it here? And do I need to take a separate international warranty as well? Can someone throw light on this?
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    Lightest laptop with GPU power

    I am worried about the config. Its a C2D with 1.6G. Can it handle any video post processing at all?
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    Urgent : Need to place order for laptop from US

    Is this completely true? I am planning to buy XPS14 from US with 3 year CC and get it transferred to India. The weird thing is that the new XPS 14 is not yet released in India? DO you think they will deny to repair in case of some issue?
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    Lightest laptop with GPU power

    Man, Apple products are so enticing. But they are too expensive, especially if you include warranty and all. 60k+ is way too much. Currently, I am more inclined towards XPS and compromise on weight. Only if I could get a lighter laptop packed with GPU/CPU power.
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    Best pocessor for HD video editing i5 or i7?

    I have 1 small doubt. Can Intel HD graphics handle HD video editing? Lets say, it has a decent processor like i5 and 2 GB RAM. More specifically, I mean Toshiba Portege R705
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    Lightest laptop with GPU power

    Thanks for the reply. I think 11" is too small for a laptop. I saw a 12" in real life and could not work on it. Another query: Do you think Intel HD graphics can handle HD video post processing?
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    Lightest laptop with GPU power

    Hi I am looking for a laptop with good graphics to run adobe premiere to run well and should be as light as it can possibly get. My budget is around ~40-52k Options considered till now 1. Toshiba Portege R705 (from US) around 50k (I guess along with international warranty) 2. Dell XPS 14...
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    Finally! My Babe is here!!

    For exactly, these kinda reasons, gmail launched the mail goggles....... May be TE should try that :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Stop sending mail you later regret
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    Finally! My Babe is here!!

    heyy dude congos..... and BTW, whats the price? Pretty impressive config.... I am planning to get something on the same lines.......
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    Laptops 5400rpm vs 7200rpm in laptops

    The difference in price is ~4k for a 250GB hdd in Dell. 7200rpm ones are too expensive compared to their 5400 counterparts. Is it worth the buck? I have heard reviews saying it makes a lot of sound, etc.. If I am planning to use this lappy for the next 5 years, should I go for the 7200rpm?
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    Laptops new laptop suggestion?

    Thank you so much for the fast reply.:hap5: Is it a good idea to configure it and get it online or get it from a dealer here? Is this the best buy or is there any other option which is as cool or better?
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    Laptops new laptop suggestion?

    Hey guys I want to buy a laptop Requirements: casual gaming, linux (dual boot) Budget: 50k-ish I am pretty pissed off with my present desktop. Gave me a tough time with hell lot of repairs. Suggest me one, with which I dont need to worry about service centres atleast 3 years. It should be...
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    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    today was tom hanks bonanza for me.... you've got mail 8/10 catch me if you can 6/10 (Very bad from spielberg)
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    Rate the Last Movie You Saw...

    I saw a couple of movies eternal sunshine of the spotless mind... 10/10 (wonderful script) v for vendetta.. 9/10 (decent)
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    Hi and Happy Friendship Day

    thnx & welcome to TE...
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    Harry Potter Seventh Book Leaked

    Is it ur creativity or rowlings?? I jus hav this feeling its urs.. :tongue: :tongue: All fake things coming up...... :bshit:
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    Noob here

    You have picked up a nice name dude... It doesnt sound a noob... I agree with zhop ( If this is what even he means)