Just bought a new gaming pc, and need suggestions for games to play.


Like the title says, I assembled a high end gaming pc and need some great games to experience. I have already played far cry, gta, withcher. Cyberpunk and RDR2 are on my list. Any other hidden gems/must play games?
Small list - Mass effect series, doom eternal, earlier doom, New wolfenstein series, serious sam, Dying light, Half life 2, Metro, Middle earth, Invisible inc, some indies like - FTL, Nuclear throne etc.
You can just look up best game for various categories in rock paper shotgun and see what appeals to you.
God of War (2018). The game is a 10/10 masterpiece.
Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West
Robocop: Rogue City (especially if your childhood is attached to the movies and characters)
if you want to explore the elden ring hype for yourself, vaatividya has a "elden ring guide" playlist on youtube which is perfect for beginners. Includes gameplay basics as well as specific builds if you want to play on "easy" mode
Looks like you're into open world games. I'd recommend Skyrim (Modded if possible since the vanilla game can feel a bit outdated since it was released in 2011), Assassin's Creed Odyssey (sort of grindy but fun regardless and very inspired from the Witcher 3 which you probably like), Elden Ring (good luck).
Rocket League! Just kidding; I happened to like the mechanics on that game and is still my most-hours-spent game. But not a must-play.

I'd say FH4 is a must-play. You don't need a wheel; keyboard is fine, but with a decent controller it's a lot more enjoyable.