Recent content by tapestry

  1. T

    Inexpensive router with guest network

    hi @badwhitevision, I have received C6, but it seems I won't get a chance to install this at the intended location for at least a week
  2. T

    Inexpensive router with guest network

    I don't think I'll be needing port forwarding or any other advanced stuff. I think it's safer to keep on using the Hathway RLTech device in tandem with Archer C6. It might be a hassle if my own ONT starts having issues in the future and Hathway is not cooperative. Would I need some special help...
  3. T

    Inexpensive router with guest network

    I have placed an order for TP Link Archer C6. But now I have stumbled upon the following device Would this work with my Hathway FTTH? The existing device is RL Tech RH821GWV-DG. Would the above device combine...
  4. T

    Inexpensive router with guest network

    Mi routers seem to be out of stock everywhere. Would you recommend anything similar?
  5. T

    Inexpensive router with guest network

    Could you please elaborate on this part? My knowledge of networking technologies is rather limited
  6. T

    Inexpensive router with guest network

    I don't expect to need this much bandwidth, at least in the near future. I don't think the LAN ports would even be used on my router; only WiFi.
  7. T

    Inexpensive router with guest network

    Would this cover an area of approximately 1200 sq.ft.? Specifications only mention "Antenna gain - 1.5 dBi"
  8. T

    Inexpensive router with guest network

    Is this the one you mean?
  9. T

    Inexpensive router with guest network

    I'll have to confirm. But you're right, even if public IP is provided at the moment, they might switch to CGNAT in the future. Thanks for pointing it out
  10. T

    Inexpensive router with guest network

    About 1200 - 1300 sq.ft. Would both these options have DDNS option? I might also need to connect to it remotely
  11. T

    Inexpensive router with guest network

    As inexpensive as possible actually, but I need a decent quality too. This will be placed at a remote location, so should have the least amount of operational issues. Is ₹2000 a good enough budget for this?
  12. T

    Inexpensive router with guest network

    Hello, I'm looking for an inexpensive, but decent quality WiFi router to connect with my Hathway fiber connection. The modem+router combo they provide does not seem to have any guest network options. I'm trying to avoid guest getting access to surveillance cameras and other devices on the LAN...
  13. T

    Continuously rising medicines cost-- Why ?

    Is seems the conclusion is - cheap generics are not guaranteed to be reliable. Is the inverse true? Can the most expensive option for the same salt composition be always reliable? Edit - typo
  14. T

    Continuously rising medicines cost-- Why ?

    do they any provide discount on MRP?
  15. T

    Continuously rising medicines cost-- Why ?

    could you share a picture of the branding and packaging?