Recent content by power_nitin

  1. P

    User Guides How-to Manage your Passwords efficiently

    hey, the last 1 sounded nice ... do u hav ne more of them???
  2. P

    Mobile Phones Secrets And Tricks

    this thing was emailed 2 me by one of my i tot of posting is here so dat u guys take n advantage of it. BTW even i have'nt tried all the things here but whchever i tried are working..... Thanx N!+!N:hap2:
  3. P

    Mobile Phones Secrets And Tricks

    this thing was emailed 2 me by one of my i tot of posting is here so dat u guys take n advantage of it. BTW even i have'nt tried all the things here but whchever i tried are working..... Thanx N!+!N
  4. P

    Mobile Phones Secrets And Tricks

    Mobile Phone Secrets & Tricks .:: NOKIA ::. Nokia Universal Codes Code Description : These Nokia codes will work on most Nokia Mobile Phones (1) *3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5% (2)...
  5. P

    User Guides Stuck with Megaupload 250mb limit for dl? READ THIS!

    from wher u guys get this ideas, cause i nvr tried doing such triks.......but thanx i'll try doing it
  6. P

    User Guides Intro to Telnet And Hacking

    nice1.......maybe its 2 old
  7. P

    GO: Conroe 6600 & E6400

    gud prices i think m gonna buy 1.........but later
  8. P

    Hey gals..and guys too

    hi 2 all n wellcome..
  9. P

    User Guides How To Easily Restart Windows XP

    How To Easily Restart Windows XP You can restart a Windows XP Pro and Home machine easily by creating a shortcut with following path. (Assume you installed Windows XP on your C: Partition) "c:\windows\system32\shutdown.exe -r -f -t 00" -r is for restarting the computer. -f is to force close...
  10. P

    Help on C++ game programming

    thanx 4 yr help buddis specially vij the site is great........n i think i can get somethin out of it.....once again.......thanX:hap2:
  11. P


    Boosting your CS SOURCE FPS Ok, here i provide u wit all the possible variable commands to increase your cs:source fps. All you have to do is put the ones you want in cstrike/cfg/cs.cfg cl_ejectbrass 0 Disables shells flying out of guns cl_phys_props_enable 0 Disables physics objects...
  12. P

    Help on C++ game programming

    can ne1 tell me some site 2 learn c++ game programming???? i m a very frustrated searching the web.........i hav also downloaded the torrent but it dosent work if ne1 could plz help me i wud be very thankful................Thanx