Recent content by Nevermore

  1. Nevermore

    PC Peripherals Reliable mouse

    I recommend the G302 simply for its reliability. Have it since the last 5 years now.
  2. Nevermore

    Replace mouse switch or new mouse ?

    Take care to only solder in an open environment. Those fumes can be nasty. Buy a good solder sucker from an electronics shop, they are cheap and would save you countless hours.
  3. Nevermore

    LTT Expose by Gamers Nexus

    His "response"
  4. Nevermore

    LTT Expose by Gamers Nexus

    What they have done to Billet is unforgivable. On his forums he is also trying to downplay the issue.
  5. Nevermore

    Budget 21-30k Does lenovo provides good aftersale service for their laptops?

    ThinkPad user here, no complaints with their services at all. They don't delay things like Asus and they don't overcharge like Apple.
  6. Nevermore

    Budget 90k+ Need help for office laptop. Budget 100k-120k.

    I should also mention that their support is top tier. One of my ThinkPads had 3 dead pixels and they send a repair person within a day of reporting it when I was in a village area in Gujarat.
  7. Nevermore

    For NGO - Best value for money 55/60/65 inch television

    +1 to Sony's service, but in Gujarat. Won't buy brands other than Sony as far as TVs go anymore.
  8. Nevermore

    Budget 90k+ Need help for office laptop. Budget 100k-120k.

    I recommend the ThinkPad if you truly value good keyboards. I refuse to purchase any other laptop (used to use MacBook) after getting one. They are also easily repairable if something ever happens and the official site offers deals from time to time regularly.
  9. Nevermore

    Budget 20-25K Is the Samsung S20fe 5G worth buying in 2023?

    If you want OS upgrades and monthly security updates, you can also look into getting Oneplus 8T which has excellent custom ROM support. You'd need to flash Magisk to hide your unlocked bootloader from some apps, though (Paytm etc work without Magisk right now). If not, then S20FE is a really...
  10. Nevermore

    Budget 21-30k Built my PC around 9-10 years ago, Need help fine tuning my build with exact components Pylon is a low tier PSU. Other PSUs like Cooler Master MWE Bronze or Deepcool PM Gold series are much better while being in the same price range.
  11. Nevermore

    Budget 0-20k Is 1440p really worth it if you are comfortable with 24" ?

    OLED burn in is no joke. You are pretty much relegated to using dark wallpapers too because colourful ones have higher chance of burn in and they cause higher battery drain (on a mobile device). And the burn in serves as a cruel reminder forever.
  12. Nevermore

    Any way to stop rain water coming inside balcony?

    +1 to shower curtains. We also use a large green tent cloth sometimes.