Recent content by chirag91

  1. C

    Graphic Cards Help with GPU advice

    +1 for hd4770
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    Some websites not opening at night during free hours from BSNL broadband

    is this kilo-BITS or kilo-BYTES dat u all r talking bout???
  3. C

    Need a Mobile for 2.5 k..... Urgent !!!!!

    i too need a phone @ same price & need not hav java or any quirks. any suggestion?
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    The Photography Thread !

    do you guys catalogue you pics at some site/blog?? a digital folder or smthng.....some of d pics are reeely nice n i would like to use em in my work....wil b acknowledged.
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    New work : Reveries ...

    Hey nice work man...
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    Post Processing technique

    If you know how to use them well...Adjustment can create a totally different genre of that pic from it's orignal....
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    Want: Ppl who Know Flash

    temme if u need a Cover Page designed.....
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    Want: Ppl who Know Flash

    hmmm....which collage?
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    Request A Signature Thread

    i too am a graphic designer can anyone temme what size of the SIG pic ppl are asking for..??
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    Anything else other than ITUNES ?

    Anapod is great but it might just not have support for iTouch s.... Its probably only for iPods.
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    Post Sites open for signup Thread

    Demonoid is open!
  12. C

    Laptops Laptop under 40K ??

    almost same??.. whats different? it probably has an X3100 chipset which is much slower
  13. C

    Laptops Laptop under 40K ??

    how bout HP CQ45 112AU...@36K inc. all taxes Its got AMD Turion 1.9Ghz 2 GB RAM DDR2 ATi HD 3200 Video 160 GB HDD Dvd RW 14.1 Display Sounds good?
  14. C

    DO: Palit HD4670/HD4650 512MB DDR3 Super/Sonic @ 5100/- & 4750 /- + Shipping!!

    i am interested in buying the card, but this would be my first online purchase, so am a little confused about warrenty , support etc what would be the total cost (inc. shipping to calcutta) for the card.. how much time would it take to be delivered?
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    Laptops Laptop

    @rak007 does this price (529$+13%tax) include shipping to india?