Why is there a difference in gaming experience between iOS and Android


So I am thinking about picking up a Note 2 as my next phone. My current phone is an iPhone 4 and I am pretty satisfied with it. Infact if the newer iPhone 5 came with 4.5" I would have picked up that instead of thinking about a Note 2. I went to the nearest Chroma yesterday to have a basic feel of the phone(Note 2). Everything else seemed okey as compared to iOS experience but it all changed as soon as I decided to fire up a game on the thing.I love playing little action adventure games like Temple run, Subway surfers, Jetpack Joyride etc on my iPhone. Incedently there was Jetpack joyride installed on the note 2 as well as the S3 which was on display. I tried playing the game but the game felt so raw on the note as well as the S3 that I went into a shock. Same goes for Temple Run on the S2. The same plays really good my Dad's 3GS and my 1st Gen iPad but the experience was somewhat underwhelming on the droids. I saw the demo of the iPhone 5 and they demoed the next real racing and Infinity Blade on the iPhone 5 event. I was really concerned as to what kind of experience would I get on the Note 2 with the newer and more processor demanding games. More importantly why do they play better on the iOS as compared to android. This has somewhat put me off with the purchase as of now. I need views of people who have recently upgraded to the newer droids from iPhones.Thanks in Advance Guys :D
One of the reasons my brother will never move to android.. they have a lot of programmers dedicated to making games for IOS as people guy games there. Also that iPhone has only one or two phones so they can make tailor made games as compared to android which have tons of phones with different configurations.. it's like a console vs pc gaming.. ISO games have that Polish and optimization which I am yet to see on android.. you will also notice that we gets some games so late and priority is given to IOS.. the games in IOS are just fantastic.. people buying new android phones still install old games to test on there phone..
@Switch mostly because the iOS is the native OS on which the entire game is developed and tested. The Android version is a port, essentially.
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Hardware fragmentation I suppose. There are so many hardware combinations out there for the Android OS and barely a few devices under iOS so it's easy to develop, test and optimise the title for a specific hardware set. On a related note, I had a fantastic time playing Dead Space on my iPad 2 and it was terrible on a colleague's SGS 2 including flimsy controls and frame drops.
If you enjoy mobile gaming, go for iPhone 5 period.
I used to play many small games like temple run on my iPhone, but since I have shifted to Android I haven't played a single game.
Can't wait for my iPhone 5 to arrive.
As @Gannu said, Hardware fragmentation is the issue. I was watching some Games on Google Play. You can see comments with low ratings (1 or 2) that there device won't run the game properly. Because there are huge amount of Android phones available in market, game developers can't test them with every single device out there in market. So automatically, game developers chose iOS over Android as preferred platform. Object oriented C, C++ are still considered the best programming languages in terms of game development and Android has not yet "FULLY" support Object oriented C or C++.

However, Google is working hard on making Android OS optimized for Games. That's what I read somewhere. Google is trying to push limits of Android OS to optimize it for gaming performance. They already have achieved better screen refresh rate, better fps with Project Butter. Now they only have to research and develop a modules dedicated for Game development in their SDK. Google needs to encourage Game developers to work on their platform as well.
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Hardware is the main issue with android.Try those games(if they are available :)) on WP7,they would be good because all WP7 are almost similar in Hardware and easy to optimize for them.
The NDK has sufficient support for all features required by a game dev.
Object oriented C, C++ are still considered the best programming languages in terms of game development and Android has not yet "FULLY" support Object oriented C or C++.

Hardware fragmentation OTOH is a very important reason Android games lack polish.
Weird...Temple run usually runs fine on my Note unless I have Fu##ked around with the cpu governors, etc. However in my experience iOS gaming usually seems much smoother.
I have both phones , Note 2 http://www.techenclave.com/show-off/samsung-galaxy-note-2-a-139720/ as well as iphone 5 http://www.techenclave.com/show-off/everyday-show-off-thread-57621/p307/ .
Now believe me ,there is absolutely no difference in gaming performances in both the devices . I really cant say where you came up with it . My only answer would be that the note would have been running a lot of background apps . Infact once you start enjoying gaming on note 2 the 4 ' experience of iphone 5 is not worth the cost .
For a more logical answer would be compare ps3 and pc gaming , how all games work on ps3 but good games run well only on high end machines and note is like a high end pc . Currently my sister is using iphone and me the note . I have installed most of the current demanding games on the note and they dont even sweat the note . On the other hand the iphone is not jailbreaked and my sister isnt into gaming but yet i have installed few apps to test it but experience is better on note 2 , not being a fanboy , as i said i have both of them . One more thing , where in india did you get the iphone 5 demo, i had to do a lot of things to get my hands on iphone 5 .