Recent content by AverageSkyrimEnjoyer

  1. AverageSkyrimEnjoyer

    Monitors Need a 4k monitor under 30000 INR

    Saw your comment after I already purchased a monitor. Turns out I got the exact model you sent lol.
  2. AverageSkyrimEnjoyer

    Monitors Need a 4k monitor under 30000 INR

    I'm looking to buy a 4k 60hz monitor for work and gaming. My budget is 30,000 INR but I'd prefer to pay less if possible. I have been looking for some monitors on Amazon and so far have found this LG 4k 27 inch monitor to be the best option. My concern though is how it'll play out with my M1...
  3. AverageSkyrimEnjoyer

    Just bought a new gaming pc, and need suggestions for games to play.

    Looks like you're into open world games. I'd recommend Skyrim (Modded if possible since the vanilla game can feel a bit outdated since it was released in 2011), Assassin's Creed Odyssey (sort of grindy but fun regardless and very inspired from the Witcher 3 which you probably like), Elden Ring...
  4. AverageSkyrimEnjoyer

    Which console would you recommend for me?

    Update: I went with the XBOX series X.
  5. AverageSkyrimEnjoyer

    Online Game Deals - Steam, Amazon, Origin, GOG, Humble Bundles

    Half life 2, Half life 2 episode one and two, Portal for 44 INR. Yep, 44.
  6. AverageSkyrimEnjoyer

    Is it worth buying a second hand xbox used for 2500 hours?

    Update: I went with the xbox and it'll arrive on Sunday. Fingers crossed.
  7. AverageSkyrimEnjoyer

    Is it worth buying a second hand xbox used for 2500 hours?

    Some guy is selling an xbox series X for 28k which seems like a great price. The only issue is that he has used it for 2500-3000 hours in a span of 16 months which is a lot. I feel like the xbox could suffer internal component failure after I buy it. He claims the xbox works perfectly with no...
  8. AverageSkyrimEnjoyer

    Is legit?

    Is this site safe to buy a console from? I'm planning on purchasing an XBOX series S but sellers on Amazon seem to have recently increased prices (and the they have terrible ratings as well). Are there any other alternatives where I can buy the Series S for 30k or less?
  9. AverageSkyrimEnjoyer

    Which console would you recommend for me?

    This thread is kind of in continuation to this one (no need to read that thread, just read this one) I have decided to go for a console instead of a second-hand gaming PC for my budget, the budget being 50k max. I'm conflicted between the XBOX series S and series X mostly because of the way I'm...
  10. AverageSkyrimEnjoyer

    Need advice regarding earning/receiving money from overseas

    I recently started working freelance for a client from UAE for software development. Its all fine and dandy but I'm confused regarding how I can receive money from the UAE into my ICICI bank account in India. There are many options to choose from but I would preferrably want to use the one...
  11. AverageSkyrimEnjoyer

    Budget 31-40k 1080p 60fp gaming only PC for pre-2018 titles

    Thanks for the link to that website. I checked it out and here are some assembled products which I liked: i5 6th gen, 256 GB SSD and i5 6th gen, 500 GB HHD. The former seems like a better deal cause of the SSD and extra RAM (I would replace the HDD in the second PC anyways but I'm guessing...
  12. AverageSkyrimEnjoyer

    Budget 31-40k 1080p 60fp gaming only PC for pre-2018 titles

    Thanks for the build you just sent, seems like some real good value for money. I'm assuming that's all first hand, right? I'm definitely open to second hand components (in fact I prefer second hand due to the nature of my build). About the GPU, I feel like the RX 6600 might be a bit too overkill...
  13. AverageSkyrimEnjoyer

    Budget 31-40k 1080p 60fp gaming only PC for pre-2018 titles

    Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into the GPUs you mentioned (though I'd really appreciate it if you could quote me an estimate for 2nd hand). About your following question, I have never really been into console gaming so I'd want to avoid that. Plus I might run into some issues with...